
That's actually the reason I did it! I had commented on how Greg really was starting to come across like a dick, just like Hans, and how I finally realised why Aline said that him having been Hans was part of why they cast him, and someone commented saying that my name made the comment even better, so I just had to go

Rachel sings well. The Rebecca character in the universe of the show is pitchy, but the one who bursts into songs (i.e. in her head) can sing.

I love that she's pitchy too, but it's not exactly consistent with her not being super pitchy in the summer camp bit, but I can pretend that wasn't real haha.

Bring on West Covina community theatre… or maybe something to do with the High School band program with the cut funding… could she sponsor some arts program and want creative input?

I said that elsewhere, but Greg's face in that scene and look of total and utter confusion gave me life. I stopped watching the other characters and just focused on him and it was perfection.

Can we talk about how confused Greg looked during that entire exchange, and afterwards? I stopped paying attention to what was happening just to watch him and couldn't stop laughing,

I love that we got confirmation that she did just go that one time

I loved the bechdel test joke as well, partly because of how meta it felt, and having heard some interviews with Rachel lately where she says that the show could never pass the test because of the whole josh thing, I wasn't surprised to see that she and aline wrote the episode. In fact, a lot of things in the episode

I love that the spoilers Kelsey was most concerned about was who was going to die. That foreshadowing was on point.

In an interview with Vulture, Marcia said they didn't dance

Comments like that were basically my fear when buying tampons until a ridiculous age, and seeing that may have made my heart break a little.

She said in an interview with Vulture that the two of them decided together not to ever comment on that idea, presumably so they wouldn't give the story traction but… COME ON. That says it all, doesn't it?

Yeah, I kind of got the impression that he was going to be a lot more central to the story because he was so adamant that OJ was innocent and seemed to doubt that more and more as things progressed. I'm not complaining, but I want to see that happen

That's exactly the dynamic! I've been trying to work out what it reminded me of, and I really think that's it.

I KNOW RIGHT OMG! When Rebecca cancelled her appointment, I was like OMG YES I'M RIGHT SHE'S NOT REALLY COMMITTED AND THOUGHT MAYBE SHE MIGHT GO SEE THE THERAPIST AT THE END OF THE EPISODE BUT NOPE THIS SHOW DOES NOT DISAPPOINT! Of course she ends up stuck sitting next to the therapist on a plane. Of course! This

The song would be an amazing coming out announcement.

Same to an extent. I have a brother, but he's also autistic, so I didn't exactly grow up with a brother/sister relationship. I went to an all girl's boarding school as well. Surprise Surprise, I'm terrible at reading signals. I have a friend who is a little like Paula (though I'm better at making responsible choices

That soundtrack was the best! My parents owned the CD and I made up a dance for 'say a little prayer' and it was awesome and I felt so cool when I did it.

Yeah, that's almost definitely going to happen. The show pushed the idea that Valencia has rings on hold everywhere in town too much. That's not important information unless you're doing something with it, and Rebecca pawning the ring makes it clear that is going to happen. I feel sick at the thought; I have a 'family

This show keeps punching me in the gut. I had to pause for a good 10 minutes when it became clear that the garfinkle ring was going to show up because I felt sick at the thought of her selling it to go to hawaii. The part of me that likes characters to go to uncomfortable places was not disappointed. And the