
Yeah, I saw the fetish thing coming, and like you I thought there would be an abduction, with his whole "you could just not come home and no one would notice" thing. I wouldn't even be surprised if that still were to happen.

Yeah, but she's not really committed to sorting her shit out. Maybe I should have said that I want the show to end with her sitting down and committing to getting her shit together, rather than just going through the motions.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Trent again. I don't want him to be a big part of the show, because it would get old pretty quick, but I would love to see little glimpses of him, like peeking around corners and whatnot!

I want the show to end with her sitting down to talk to a therapist.

Same, but I'm not going to pretend that I'm not disappointed with the small glint of self-awareness we got from Rebecca with that lettter.

All of that. Plus, any half decent lawyer who was even considering a case where a self-described 'truther' was their star witness would take a look into their mental health first.

I think my favourite thing with Trent was that they so easily could have taken that whole character in a totally different direction. Were any of us really expecting Trent to basically be male Rebecca with the crazy turned up a notch? We were all expecting everything to come undone, and that's what made the episode so

Okay this episode was amazing on so many levels, and I thought that before the Josh and Rebecca thing at the end.

I was trying to work out why it felt so familiar, and you got it spot on with Isaac & Ishmael.

Pretty much. I was putting furniture together while watching it (will be rewatching tonight) and even only paying a little attention was like 'wait, what?!' There needed to be another episode in between, or something. I know there was the throwaway line suggesting it had been a few weeks, but still, it wasn't quite

totally unintentional… until now. But seriously, this was the first time where I could really see that side of Greg AND IT HURT. UGH I'M TOO INVESTED

"I love that the extent of her plans with Josh are all about what types of food they'll get to eat" Same. It reminds me of my dad with my parent's marriage. Also agree that Greg's approach was entirely spite-driven. It just seemed ugly, and reminded me of Hans WAY too much.

That WhiJo line was one of my favourites of the entire episode.

I'd be surprised if he didn't watch it and then immediately love it. He'd love what it's saying almost as much as how it's being said.

I sent that clip (well the uncensored version, which I'm not 100% certain is superior to be honest) to my mum the other day. I want her to watch and love the show because of how much I love it.

I heard an interview with Aline where she said that when she and Rachel decided on West Covina as the setting, they drove there and went to the mall. They entered the mall and there was a pretzel stand there, and at the end of the mall, there was another one, or something, and she seemed to be pretty amused by the