
Andre will eventually try to get back into Empire by revealing to Lucious that he killed Vernon. That seems obvious.

I think that bit worked for me because throughout the episode we're led to believe that poor, dumb Charlie was being led on by this beautiful woman -and just when the rest of the gang swoops in ready to rescue their simple-minded friend he turns the tables in the most abrupt way possible. It made me remember that even

He did make a point of saying that he didn't want to do any show but Stern's specifically because of his audience. Time will tell, but it doesn't seem like he'll be making the rounds or anything. He came clean here, and it was fine. I don't need to hear it again.

Nothing (well maybe something, I don't know your whole life). People do this all the time. The difference is the scope of the lie. It's one thing to bluff about knowing certain bands/directors/whatever. People tend to do those sorts of things in situations where they feel that they SHOULD know something they don't.

It is! I think Minaj will take the heat for shutting down the interview, but her points were pretty valid.

I want more of Max Greenfield, but not like this…not like this.
I'm also already exhausted by whatever godawful character they foist onto Evan Peters this year.

I originally had absolutely NO plans to watch Scream Queens, but suddenly everyone I know (people whose opinions I trust!) are saying that it's a ridiculously fun show that doesn't take itself seriously. I feel like Murphy is best when he's aiming for pure, silly fun so now I'm kind of intrigued.

Thank god you said it. I felt a little bad about the fact that I did not miss Jessica Lange AT ALL during this. It's refreshing.

I think cuz they need the kid…? For some reason? I actually have no idea and I'm frantically grasping at straws.

That's true. Coven was nonsense, but it was also ridiculously funny and quotable. Freak Show was just bland. I don't even remember consciously choosing to stop watching it, I just sort of forgot about it…

I think she delivered the (over the top) writing as best she could, honestly. Seems like she's supposed to read as cold yet alluring, and she is definitely those things! I'm not sure that anyone else (including J. Lange) could've done it any better. She has a very commanding presence, and she's fascinating to look at

I'm fine with never knowing the story behind Annalise and Bonnie's relationship. I care very little about it. Kill Bonnie and move on.

I agree, pretty lackluster episode (I don't remember a single detail of the case of the week, except for the fact that it featured Bighead from Silicon Valley. I think.) -but I'm kind of excited to see where they take things from here. Before we could see Olivia start kicking ass, I think we had to see her try to

oooomg someone please edit magnitude into that scene. I NEED IT.

I laughed way too hard at everyone dragging Hakeem when he suggested "Rainbow Sensation" as his girl-group name.

"Huck is a crazy person, but he’s also a grown-ass man."

Cedric Yarbrough's bit about trying to figure out the popping sound was pretty hilarious.

Will: You're the bride of Frankenstein.
Bedelia: We've both been his bride…
Then she smirked as if to say, "But I did it better, bitch."

Yes! They kept teasing it all season, and I fully expected to get more information. Every time someone would lob an insult at her she would respond with something like, "You don't know me! You don't know where I've been!" Total bummer that we never found out more.

It was one of those GET-IT-TOGETHER slaps. I loved it so much.