
Theresa slapping the shit out of Mrs. Fisher and then cooly going, "Enough." was the best. Somebody gif it, PLEASE.

I'm kind of glad that I went into it knowing that it would be played (mostly) straight. It made the increasing absurdity -including the fabulous ending- much better. I hate that all the buildup took the wind out of this one's sails.

I went "Oop!" OUT LOUD tonight when she asked "How did your sister taste?" and then smooth dipped her head underwater.

That was a very real description of grief. It's always messy, and things don't ever really get better. They just get…different.

Rowan: *begins to launch into an obnoxiously long, self-important monologue*
The cops: "No."

Every goddamn character on the show is B613. Lena Dunham? Probably B613. Vice President Artemis? Probably B613. Hell, I'M probably B613 at this point. Who's to know really?

How has no one mentioned the scene of Dre, Charlie, and the new guy secretly dancing to Blurred Lines? They shut it down so fast! I lost it.

I squealed when I saw Gabe Delahaye and Gabe Liedman in this episode. I wish they'd been given more to do!

That's kinda what I figured, I just can't picture Helena in the mirror coloring her hair blond. How did the Proletheans allow that?

Was that Felix line about Helena being albino a joke or not? Because it made sense, and I had always vaguely wondered why Helena was the only bleach blond clone.

For some reason, I was under the impression that this was the season finale. Thank god it wasn't because ohhhhh my god this was so boring and pointless. Artemis screwing around with that bill was boring. Marcus banging the Mayor's wife and then the Mayor setting him up for murder (?????) was also a really strange plot

That's an interesting argument, and I'm definitely bookmarking that article for later. I don't watch Girls, and I've made every effort to avoid it so I can't speak to that comparison -but I don't think the BC girls have ever been amazing people. They've just been amazing to each other, which is something you don't

That's right! I completely forgot! It's Huck who can buy all the fishing lures (or in his case first person shooter games? I would imagine?) he wants!

Lmaooo! This is now the only acceptable B613 conclusion. Rowan just prattling on about how he stole the money, and now he can buy all top notch fishing lures he wants. He'd probably lean forward and yell, "YOU. ARE. A. SUCKERR" in that weird condescending, over-enunciated voice.

Huck: “You wanna know what I’d do if someone did that to my kid?” Olivia and Quinn: “NO.”

The actor that plays Michael does some really heartbreaking sad-faces. I felt awful during the dinner scene, and I nearly cried at his face when Cyrus told him that he wouldn't be alone. That conversation took what could have been a pretty boring, one off episode and made it into something sweet.

Violet gets on my nerves more and more every week. I don't know that they're setting her up to be this season's "villain" but I find her insufferable.

I adore Pearl's fashion sense and I wanted her to stay so that I could see more of her creations, but that lip sync wasn't even close. Maybe Ru thinks that deadpan-daria-drag holds more potential than the upbeat, comedy queen? Every season we see a winner with a very distinct tone and personality, and Pearl definitely

I think you've nailed it. Agree on all points!

I can't help but think about Parks & Rec's series finale. Everyone got their happy endings there too. I'm not comparing the two shows overall (that would be like comparing apples to shitty, soft, rotting oranges) I'm just trying to think about why the Parks finale felt so satisfying and sweet, while this one felt