
I thought Aiden's death was going to be this week's horrific death scene, but then Noah got killed and I couldn't even watch the entire thing. I felt like I was on the verge of tears too, so I guess it was a successful scene? I definitely felt my emotions mirroring Glenn's, but I'm not entirely sure that was necessary.

The website that I watch the show on has been screwing up the episode titles all season long (The Gang Spies Like U.S. was initially listed as The Gang Goes On Family Fight) so I think you're probably right. There's been some shuffling.

The hope now is that after she gets through the worst parts of her grieving, we'll see her character more clearly. She doesn't have the crutches of Bob of Tyrese anymore. Although, I've always thought of Sasha as a practical yet fiercely stubborn person. She shows love and affection through sarcasm, and she doesn't

I appreciated the episode, and for the first time in a long time I want to re-watch a Scandal episode. People seem to think that the cop's monologue was unbelievable or that it was too on-the-nose, but if you break up all of the statements from that monologue you'll find that every one of them was argued about

"the useless walking dildo known as Jake Ballard" lmaoooo

Same! I'm glad he didn't end up being the episode's obstacle. He paired adorably with Ilana.

The show has always presented the girls' (Ilana's especially) form of "feminism" as sort of self-centered and dickish. It's why it was funny when that woman on the subway checked Ilana. Always Sunny doesn't need to constantly confirm that the gang are assholes, we KNOW they're assholes because that's the premise of

I liked this episode! It felt like the writers did the best they could with these new kids. Season 4's bizarro-new directions didn't work, so they scrapped them. They can't dedicate TOO much time to the new kids because this is the final season, and no one's really interested in getting to know a bunch of strangers

I was genuinely scared when Andre suddenly pulled out that gun, and incredibly sad when he realized that there was no bullet in the chamber. It's been a long time since a TV show made me feel that uncomfortable and uneasy. I hope they focus his storyline a little more because it would be really interesting to see his

Holy shit that totally slipped by me! I thought the song was an odd choice, but this actually makes me like it a little more.

Even though I knew (from the comment section last week) that Stephen might return this week, I still laughed uproariously when it happened. I guess it was supposed to feel like a fun treat? But then he didn't stay around long enough for me to know what he was up to/jog my memory about why he was ever a character on

Having Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" playing on the radio at the beginning and then AGAIN at the nightclub was oddly hilarious to me. Such a weird, perfect choice.

I am wildly confused as to why "L" isn't for Looney Tunes. That should've been a given. Other than that, okay list. Weird concept. I wish that every letter had gotten the "runner up" treatment.

I remember commenting a few episodes back that Tyrese's death was gonna hit me pretty hard (I believe it was right after he bashfully agreed that he would love to take care of Judith while Rick and the others were away) and for the most part it did. I agree with the review, this was a beautifully shot and emotionally

I would bet money that Liv's rescue somehow brings Rowan's angry-monologuing ass back into the fray.

Yeah, Danny's tirade against blindsiding people with life changing decisions was weird considering he did exactly that to Mindy. If anything Danny should've been the one in the hot seat this episode. All Mindy did was CONSIDER moving to San Francisco. Danny was the one who actually went through with a huge life change

It's very clear that Murphy & Co. see and pay attention to Glee's rabid fanbase and this episode felt like a big ol' fuck you to all of them.

The curls would appear immediately if she got her hair wet. The volume probably wouldn't take too long either. Definitely not helpful in figuring out the time frame. What did stick out to me was the fact that every time we saw Liv's nails they were manicured. Could just be an oversight, but it seemed pretty glaring to

I don't watch Sunny for the political/social commentary, but that moment stuck out to me and it was actually pretty sad. For most of the episode we're supposed to think that the gang's cruel inability to deal with Pete's mental illness is just another one of their specifically horrible traits, but then the ending made

This episode was pure ridiculousness (lowkey, I kind of loved it. Glee is going full tilt weird and it's intresting at least), but I'm betting that next week's Rachel/Sam plotline gets real and resolves in the following way: