
At the beginning of the season I feel the exact same way, but as the season went on I found that Sasha does approach drag differently than any of the other WINNERS. She is very clearly an intellectual queen and I think that crowning a Fulbright scholar (resisting the urge to just post the rest of her "C.L.A.T" verse

Well we haven't seen a black woman lead a blockbuster superhero movie (to the best of my knowledge) so hopefully they'll take a chance and we'll all be pleasantly surprised.

I already knew how little I cared for Jody, but I forgot just how much Danny rubs me the wrong way as well. Three weeks ago Mindy dropped Leo off with some model Danny was banging, and now he's ENGAGED to Sarah (who has ostensibly also been around Leo) -but his big issue is Mindy not bringing random dudes around their

I haven't seen a specific article about it, but lately some of my favorite show reviews have mentioned something at the end about how they won't continue (I've seen it mentioned on Adventure Time, Comedy Bang! Bang!, and Black-ish so far). I think they're cutting back on show reviews that don't get a lot of

I hate Colette and I think it's entirely due to the fact that Fortune Feimster can't act. I could be wrong, I haven't seen her in anything else -but every time she opens her mouth I cringe. Her delivery has been awful since she showed up.

Well the show has gone so far off the rails that Glenn could secretly be two rats in a trench coat, and it still wouldn't change the landscape. Him being Asian has come up maybe twice in the entire series. Other than that it's pretty much just him trying to survive in the zombie apocalypse just like everybody else.

I laughed a little, but not nearly as much as last week (goddamn I miss Adam Pally on this show) and I definitely agree that the Jody and Mindy stuff is going absolutely nowhere. I was actually a little angry at Jody for cockblocking Mindy that first time with the cute football coach, and Maria Thayer (while always a

I found it jarring that Jody was dressed just like Danny during his last scene with Mindy. The fact that she was lying on the floor made it worse. I'm not the biggest Danny fan, but even I think Jody pales in comparison. The chemistry is just not there.

Kim's little crying face on the runway broke my heart! She's precious.

Oooh, I didn't see the preview but a Christmas Carol kind of thing makes complete sense.

If Danny is so desperate for Leo to have someone at home for him, then Danny should quit his job and fucking stay home. How has no one in this show said this to Danny or Mindy?

I had a genuine moment last night where I thought that they might not introduce Sudekis to the others at all. I thought maybe they'd just use him as a contrast for the group. Seeing what it means to be truly alone paired really nicely with Tandy's desperate efforts to keep everyone together. It would be unlikely, and

I saw a few generally hysterical comments that indicated there would be a major death this episode, but I was convinced it would be Daryl! I wasn't prepared to lose Glenn at all.

The Danny/Morgan on the road dynamic reminded me of "L.A." too! I actually really liked that episode, but I hated this one. It mostly made me miss Mindy and Peter. Does anyone know when Adam Pally is supposed to appear this season? I saw a couple of set photos on instagram but I don't remember the details.

Didn't she also say something like, "Okay put em' away. We don't need em' anymore." later on? So funny.

At this point I wish they would just tell Asher most of (or all of) the truth. It's just as likely that he'll keep quiet about his buddies being murderers, and that way he'd be less likely to screw something up. Now there's just ANOTHER confusing lie to keep afloat and I'm not very interested in watching Asher slowly

"Then he can go to the cops and put an end to the reign of terror/rain of error that is the Keating law firm."

I mean, good for Jake for finally locating some self-respect, but I couldn't give less of a shit about his ex-wife or Paris anything related to his storyline here.

I didn't think anything on this show could be harder to watch than those god-awful scenes of Terrence Howard trying to rap in prison, but that music video proved me all the way wrong. That was painful.

"Ok, but where the fuck is Susan Ross????" -everyone, ideally.