
In Spanish we use "criollo" (which is a bastardization of creole) to mean native mix of Spanish and Amerindian mixes, though it also extends to the mulatto (white/black) and zambo (black/asian) in common parlance.

Yup, it surprises me to see how little people understand about the sheer lack of popularity the aztecs had around their neighbors and how effectively that was used against them.

He discussed an open relationship; he didn't demand one. Patrick ran away just as he did with Richie. And let's not act as if Patrick has some moral ground to stand on when he cheated on Richie as soon as trouble began with him.

I love the Belters so much on this show ;x

Elizabeth just doesn't want to consider that she needs help. She sees emotional turmoil as a sign of weakness. She killed an old lady in cold blood out of some perverted sense of duty to a homeland that has done nothing but bring her misery and hardship.

Do priority ops, Helius, Nexus, and Allies side missions.

Don't tell me! TV Amos is my only Amos!

Which is pretty hysterical for an OPA member who maintained a canister of protomolecule instead of destroying it.

Yeah, that's some florid bullshit.

Forgive me if I don't think what he did as ugly anymore than the hangings of former Nazi officers. Those scientists mutilated children with their experiments; it was monstrous and worth a death sentence.

Amos better not be going anywhere. What will I do without those gorgeous arms on my TV screen? ;(

You're talking as if people today see a connection between computers and math.

I'm so disappointed Jadis was made into one of Negan's minions and not an equal ;(. She was even shown as intimidated by Negan.

I'm disappointed the Shadow King didn't possess Syd for longer. That was a great look on her.

Yeah, I think they were just afraid to give much acting space to someone who's a musician in real life.

Alex making special lasagna as a sort of olive branch gesture to Amos after the previous episode was sweet.

Yeah, but I always thought his main purpose was pursuing David. So why was he tormenting Kerry, and more importantly why was Kerry even afraid of him, when she wasn't afraid of anything else?

So, who the hell was The Eye and why didn't the Shadow King kill him earlier? What was his obsession with a completely unrelated mutant, as opposed to David? He felt wasted (much like Melanie has been, to be honest; Melanie is just a brooding wife, Jean Smart needs more than that).

That show got such a raw deal, but unfortunately many shows do, while disgusting drivel somehow makes the cut.

"Jesus is gay" Yeah, no shit, he had a harem of 12 dudes whose feet he lovingly washed. Took no wife in his lifetime.