
They didn't adapt Arya's storyline in the house of black and white properly. They didn't adapt Dorne properly. They didn't adapt the Tyrells at all, Loras was made some pitiful victim for no reason whatsoever. They didn't adapt Lady Stoneheart's storyline.

Pointlessly complex, preening drama is what it is now. Good for the first 4 seasons, after it went to shit. It started with the dumbass detour by killing Ser Barristan, the greatest knight in the kingdoms by a few pitiful mercenaries on an alley.

I can blame them for making shit storylines up in their stead when there were already some they decided to cut in favor of their shit ones.

This is why you don't do TV shows on books that haven't even been finished. The Dorne and Highgarden storyline was utterly truncated, filled with gimmicks and pointless detours.

How nice of them to cut out actual storylines like Lady Stoneheart and truncating ones like Arya's House of Black & White with made up female rivalry only to clutter this episode with a pointless sex scene between their Grey Worm/Missandei promoted pet stories or Yara/Ellaria's trainwreck.

Awww, I wanted Nikki to become Wrench's new partner ;(

Not really, the world is pretty great these days ;>.

Only for the grace of Frank-N-Furter….;p

It's called just that, asshole. Comments. What's more befuddling is that some fragile brat like yourself would complain about one comment out of many that he just couldn't avoid reading in full, despite the obvious preamble and no specifications.

Oh, shut the fuck up. You're not entitled to people's self-regulation just so you can have a virgin experience because you couldn't stop reading. Go play that tiny violin of yours somewhere else.

I was being vague for a reason. You're not being told how many bar tables people are shooting through since there are several bar scenes. You're not being told who's doing the shooting.

As you're watching this season, just enjoy the soapy fun and don't think too hard about how (**SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS DON'T FUCKING BOTHER ME AFTER THIS SPOILERS**) machine gun bullets don't penetrate bar tables or how suddenly someone can get on a motorcycle without keys while at the same time chasing someone or

It would be a valid complaint if this also wasn't the show where a retreating perp takes a good while to come out of a building, and to top it off stops for a smoke conveniently while the criminal duo push out an AC that happens to fall just in the right trajectory to smash his brains out. And nobody bothers to

Yeah, all I could feel was my head buzzing. Fetch me the smelling salts!

I'd rather they not truncate the living shit out of the source material. Game of Thrones was mutilated because the producers got creative by the end and wanted to start wrapping up stories quickly.

They saved the best for last. Half naked Amos best Amos. Well, right after fully naked Amos, but maybe season 3 will make that happen ;D

Oh noes, Parker Young, why must you sully your name with taking part in a Bravo production ;(

The White Queen was just dreadful. I don't know if I can trust this one to be any better.

He accused him for being a coward because he just left despite Kevin agreeing to a closed relationship if that's what he wanted. He said as much in the movie.

When they spaced Prax's coworker/blooming love interest while they were smiling at each other through the glass, I was so utterly caught by surprise and dismayed.