
Not straight or white. But you are funny and fucking dumb at the same time. Great rep for the HRC corporate stooge you are.

There's little intellect in some negligent amoeba like yourself. After all, your shitty organization was one of the first to try to block AFER in their case against Prop 8, and unlike AFER and Log Cabin Republicans who got DOMA and DADT removed, your parasite of an organization who only sucked members dry for

Super competent does not overcome basic biology let alone reality. Even a man would have trouble overcoming two able bodied federal agents who RECEIVE self defense training, let alone a woman taking on two men and coming out unscathed. It's a fucking fantasy. There's a reason why MMA is divided across weight brackets

Oh, you spit venom at that but not when Hillary Clinton was only for repealing a mere portion of DOMA as opposed to Obama's position of full repeal during the 2008 election.

Clearly Trump won because the Russians failed to deliver him a gap closer of 3 million voters he lost to Hillary Clinton in popular, and not the electoral college system instead you dumb shit.

I'm sure you're quite the authority with a response of such substance.

She was not sold to conservatives, get back to Earth please; conservatives hated her. She was marketed by the DNC as this great progressive and a foil to the right-wing "fascism" of Trump. Rather successfully, given she crushed Bernie in the primaries.

Yup, I have to laugh when they depict The Americans and Elizabeth as a woman single-handedly whooped two male FBI agents. Sorry, ain't happening.

Actually, for firearms to be an effective defense, it's often recommended to have several locations with one available given the reality that you will never be carrying one with you at all times.

Yes, but the DNC and most Democrat voters were more interested in "OMIGOSH FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT" identity politics and were glad to give her a make-over for the elections while painting Trump as the warhawk nazi fascist planning to give the country over to the Soviets (hilarious given Hillary's recent atrocious

Turning Dar Adal into a villain was ducking dumb anyways. He was always Saul's foil who got the dirty work done. He was no Israeli puppet or an outright evil character.

I don't know where you think you are, but this site is a progressive circle jerk. You shouldn't be surprised that some left-wing graduate from a useless humanities degree program had to settle with writing for this site given the slim pickings in job options, and his political biases might seep into his reviews.

Original, non-derivative shit being the key words. They may be grabbed off books (or in the case of Legion, comics), but they were pretty removed from the archetype.

Superhero shows will do that. Legion sidesteps it because it eschews the usual super/antihero comic book narratives and conflict resolution methods.

I really don't want a detour back into more asylum crap.

The better question is why during that court hearing no actual recording of the psychologist's session with Franny is presented as testimony.

That TWD filler episode was a fucking atrocity; how in hell can it get a B+?

None of which played in their known movie role, which would be the difference with Charles Xavier.

I also was frustrated as to why some people with automatic rifles intent on shooting all of them dead suddenly stop to have some kung fu showdown with her, and why she suddenly gets beat up by the second group of guys after she had casually punched her way through the first group.

They said no movie actors because they still operate on a TV budget and movie actors want movie rates.