
A Milo supporter who feared for his safety given the mob violence that was present (the same that manifested at UCB and now you are trying to legitimize).

You don't get free stuff from the government. That money comes from a budget, and churches don't hand out freebies from coerced donations they can threaten to put you in jail over.

"The Nazis aren't an arch-example of human evil because of their social welfare policies: it's their racist, authoritarian, militaristic, anti-intellectual, expansionist, and homicidal policies that people object to."

You are a fucking idiot. The College Republicans had to do a fundraiser THEMSELVES to bring him there, asking for private donations and even had to cover the security fees.

Because there were more militarily successful kings at some point that did not receive such a title.

What a preposterous notion. Yidu's opiates were not the reason for Ragnar's failings. Ragner failed his settlement in England as well. Ragnar's failings are all his own.

In fact, the Vikings had trouble with being Christianized because Christians were not allowed to enslave fellow Christians, and slavery was a major source of income for the vikings.

Documentaries are not boring, it's you who has issues if you can't cope with reality as entertainment and instead resort to cheap melodrama as a substitute.

Sigurd was actually the best off of all of them in history. He was the one who inherited the family goods, and became the King of Denmark among other territories, on top of marrying King Aelle's daughter.

Alfred the Great only succeeded in repelling the Vikings from Wessex (after initially losing it). He never reclaimed East Anglia.

And the Mary Sue cripple killed the future king of Denmark and other territories who also happened to marry Aella's daughter.

That moment when Iris goes full retard mode, reminds you why this show will stay in the CW. Pls don't ruin her with this shitty melodrama; Iris is a level-headed, smart character.

Poor vikings and their land problems, I guess they needed more lands to fit all those slaves they were taking in top of storage areas for the properties they stole as well since they weren't merely taking land to settle.

Don't want to hear about this shit from the same people who complain about rape scenes in game of thrones or how Aslaug let somebody else's child die.

I'll watch Eva Green on a show that actually merits her presence, not that vile waste film.

The vikings didn't bother attacking until Charlemagne's empire fell. They were terrified of him and the Saxons on other parts of Europe who had previously trounced them. The Great Heathen army couldn't even take the entirety of England that was about as fivided by internal confliucts as it could get, a feat others had

lmao. They are barbarians WITH Ragnar; Ragnar is a piece of shit. Ragnar raided monasteries and countless unarmed priests were killed. He raided Aelle's kingdom and took his brother for a ransom, and then killed the brother when ransom wasn't paid.

All the people cheering Aelle's death while failing to forget Aelle was completely justified in killing Ragnar.

Recent publishings in immunology journals have only highlighted the hygiene hypothesis where the Amish showed vastly decreased rates of allergies due to their exposures to farm animals and in general a microbiome that's more diverse.

As if we needed another Penny Dreadful atrocity where it's all looks and no substance with retarded, pretentious dialogue and paper thin character development.