
Yeah, dumbass, because watching women killing each other over "YOU STOLE MY HUSBAND WITH SORCERY" is so much more progressive and a better usage of female characters in this show.

You googled me a blog post with no citations, a reference to Imar which isn't even fully supported, and the end holds a contentious theory.

Blah blah blah. Show me out of MMA or boxing or olympic wrestling champions, or any combat sports or recent military commanders, how many are successful cripples.

Yes, he did. There is no record whatsoever of his death or life past the execution of King Aella.

To be fair, Astrid is beautiful when she isn't cursed with that hideous bowl cut she had earlier.

Guess they're going full force with their Mary Sue cripple. Make the rest of the sons look like chumps for the sake of a gimmick is the name of this show.

By people of that state you feckless dumbass, and the outcome was completely unrelated to whoever ran for president because it was a state race.

By people of that state you dumbass, and the outcome was completely unrelated to whoever ran for president because it was a state race.

They were state laws passed independently by the state you negligent amoeba, they would pass with or without a Democrat president; a president does not veto state laws. Stop spending too much effort wasting whatever oxygen your decrepit brain cells have left.

And those are state laws that existed under Obama just as well and on which he had no control over as a fed, you moron.

y u mad?

I'm sure you're the authority on what's highbrow when your one comment on a show is about the appearance of women.

u mad?

Don't be a dumbass, SPLC lists atheist muslim activists like Maajid Nawaz under their hate group lavel.

lol purge, with what constitutional mustard you whiny wimp. You'd think we'd be living in Nazi Germany if people paid more attention to the mentally touched like yourself.

Elected as a transition team member you dolt. Clearly some nefarious homophobe intent on rounding up gay people and sinking them into the sea or whatever other fantasy of impending victimhood you've managed to concoct with your pearl clutching.

Bla bla bla bla. Meanwhile Peter Thiel sat next to the guy at a tech meeting and is part of his transition team. But then again, you don't count minorities who don't proscribe to one particular political orthodoxy.

Probably local knowledge or more likely in gay circles. Most straight people won't be aware of its existence (which is not strange, just like many great comedians in Shaq's comedy series are not that well known outside black communities).

Now I know that my dream in life is to be the Ass Curator, and Lito and Hernando would be my prime exhibits.

It pales in comparison to carrying the crown!