
Speak for yourself. You can call Keeping Up with the Kardashians entertaining just as you can with Vikings if shitty theatrics and aesthetics with no substance is your thing, but I'd rather keep a more muted and honest drama set within a series of fairly popular novels.

Last Kingdom is highbrow, this is low brow viking draping soap opera with wild anachronisms borne out of dramatic license.

Gonna be nice when Ivar blood eagles Lagertha and Astrid.

It totally is anachronistic.

I for one don't even think Ragnar's that great anyways. Some people are infatuated with Fimmel but what I see instead (especially after the World of Warcraft movie he also leads in) is that he's a really limited actor.

Ragnar has been a despicable character for quite a while as has been fan favorite Floki.

I mean, Lagertha is a pretty awful example of a female role model. She's a pillager, double faced backstabber who not only usurped an earldom, but killed her future husband for usurping her (apparently it's only fine when she does it).

It's really something to see the mental gymnastics people make for Lagertha being a backstabbing, dishonorable petty shit. From deceiving and abducting Ragnar's sons, to deposing a legitimate queen by bringing up charges of witchcraft when the obvious fault was with her own failure to bear more children for Ragnar,

Oh noes, a groupie thinks I'm not wonderful. Time to reevaluate!


It's funny how a guy so blatantly misogynistic happens to fly under the radar at this site constantly calling out showrunners for it.

"immeasurably more valuable"
I'm glad we've got you to determine cognitive capacity. The world is a much better place when we have these gems of yours for entertainment.

Dwells in an internet comment section, calls people neckbeards. Call the press; the pot is about to announce the kettle is black!

Lagertha came off as petty. I know everyone's got a hard on for Winnick, but no one stole Ragnar from her. Ragnar left her, and she left Kattegat out of pride.

I have thought of how little I care about the feeble attempts at insight you might manage to vomit in here.

A couple of show runners from shitty shows shit talk other shows. Who knew!

Is nobody going to ask in what alternate universe can a junior forensic scientist on state payroll be able to afford that lease?

So sad the movie didn't get a follow up (just like Gold Compass). Really underrated movie.

Jeffrey Donovan *swoons*