
I can't say I was too devastated by Naz's outcome, nor for Stone.
They threw the only woman who believed in Naz, the woman who told Naz
not to sell himself short on a deal, right under the bus and ruined her

I can't say I was too devastated by Naz's outcome, nor for Stone. They threw the only woman who believed in Naz, the woman who told Naz not to sell himself short on a deal, right under the bus and ruined her career.

Yeah, I wanted to say something about Chinese, but feared I might have missed some background on another episode.

Probably was too "capitalist" for the reviewer, so he chose to shit on it by one grade.

Angela's classism was just perfect. She knows that with someone like Steve, who's carrying a chip on his shoulder about his standing in life, her gloating about her ascension will only cut deeper.

Why even bother distracting the guard when there's presumably security cameras all over the prison, especially in the recreational areas?

Spent enough ;). Granted, at least you're not San Francisco.

And here we go, people always go for the suburbs when you can live in a city that's not New York or San Francisco. There are actually affordable cities that don't sell you a can of sardines for a home at outrageous prices.

It depresses me that people say that apartment is large. The quality of life sacrifices and lowered standards some people make just to live in an overrated metropolis ;/

Neither of which also allow non-family gangbangers to be in a room with a patient.

So much time wasted on that initial gimmick, what a way to waste precious minutes that should be reserved for advancing the story.

That deadpan delivery gets old pretty fast.

Well, yeah, those abs aren't going to pet themselves.

I'm surprised she didn't rip off and eat the barman's head after sex.

I'm surprised that for having a personal hitman she hasn't had that Evil Corp rival snuffed….

Ok, so Ray had enough technical know-how to track intrusions into his site by the hacker he's relying on, but apparently not the technical capability to move the database himself without Elliot.

Yeah but the liquid itself needs to be to the heat point where it burns the skin.


Putting oil on warm water won't burn you. The purpose of the oil is so the water is hot enough and the oil extends the duration of the heat to cause burns.

Oh, come on. Inmates have access to scalding hot water?