
I just find him…empty. Always brooding and mopey, mediocre. Not something I'd consider a good recipe for long lasting relationships.

The bitterness evoked when you know that great shows like Enlightened get cancelled in their 2nd season due to poor ratings while this immature manchild tripe gets massive views due to name dropping celebrities…


lmao, "universally beloved". Must be real cozy up there in your asshole where you've decided to reposition your head into.

No, it was in the press conference the detectives/prosecution did, which the inmates watched.

So a prison placed an accused murder and rapist of a girl in general prison population, and not segregated? lol come on, show. Try to aim for some more realism.

Already watched it ;). Miguel Angel Silvestre…… *sighs* ;o

Yeah but I'd rather drink a potpourri of bleach and shit than watch Girls or anything Lena Dunham makes.

Nope, Italian. Rewatch the movie, he even mentions it in reference to his mother.

Sooooo grounded he dated Brady for a year and had big daddy issues and wanted to leave San Francisco for the same selfish reasons Patrick did, to run away.

Well, Eddie is Italian. Southern Europeans are similarly touchy.

Was my gay experience ;). Has a lot to do with local culture to. To us hispanics this is a lot more common than anglos, who are usually more dry and detached.

I got lost in my previous comment in my dislike for Richie, but there's one thing I will miss with this show: same sex intimacy.

Yeah, #AnythingButRichie.

There's not making these kind of men/women likable. I've met tons of these self important bitter queens who use politics as a weapon to browbeat others to make themselves feel better. People like Brady are actually real.

Ugh. Richie, the dud with the personality of a spoon. I thought Patrick would have learned from Kevin.

Couldn't make it past the pilot with Preacher. What a disjointed mess ;/

LGBT people don't support LGBT projects because there's no such thing as a LGBT community. Gay people aren't born into families or live for decades within the same social ties since childhood, so the loyalties of a gay guy of Caribbean descent completely differ to those of a Muslim lesbian from a Lebanese family.

The biggest tragedy is that Suits wastes the talents of the likes of Gina Torres, in a show where all the adults behave like despicable, petty children.

I really hope they don't go overboard with the faux-philosophy sessions in this show. Really not in the mood for characters being used to give monologues mirroring the worldviews of a showrunner.