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    Yeah but I just meant more they only had 3 episodes to really work with brick and Vinnie Jones had a natural intimidation factor that savage simply is lacking as a character

    Except retcons usually happen in a way that leaves a plot hole for no reason. This was simply them wanting to do a story on firestorm without making sure all their pieces fit into place.

    I personally am only in it at this point for the team(outside of the stupid moments) and the set pieces. This episode really made me wonder if the writers are keeping track of their own mythology.

    That's what I was asking. The entire time like it really wasn't stein's work that made firestorm but the particle accelerator releasing the necessary theoretical energies to make it all work… But let's pretend that particular part didn't matter.

    Except savage never moves at super speed hence why he broke in and surprised them then threw two knowing he set the angle just right for Barry to be hit. Savage is a great tactical thinker if anything but nothing he did outside of magic was superhuman at least by the TV show standards. And we know what super speed

    Exactly it was extremely heightened reflexes not really super powers if anything having close to 4000 years of training should make his knife throwing skills amazing but it isn't exactly a super power which is why in LoT it wouldn't be that impressive compared to a nuclear power meta human

    The problem is he already kinda seems to act that way only realizing he "loves" her before each murder attempt.

    That wasn't technically powers more precise planning surprise the team throw darts in a specific order throw a second at the last target boom.

    To be fair the last two were the core teams fault

    Thrice: Firestorm, Atom, and Rip

    Exactly nothing about savage screams difficult especially since Firestorm, Rip, AND ATOM solo'd him with firestorm and atom one shoting the fool. His fight skills aren't ridiculously impressive either. If rip is that smiled what is the teams purpose then

    "Grab your parachute pants."

    I want to like Savage but the reviewer hit the nail on the head. This isn't a man who became murderous over a failed love. Savage is just a mad man. Which wouldn't be mad if it felt like he was intimidating in his presence. Crump feels like he would make a terrific second in command to a real Vandal Savage. Also how

    Actually it is different in the league too. Sara uses Roz while Nyssa use Raysh. S the show is consistent in making the name inconsistent

    1. The monocle is used to test the gravity. The painting shows age

    Oh I never said it was a new thing. Lol

    So he would commit murder if he couldn't have sex? That seems pretty over reactive

    I felt the ending was just well done enough to make up for how stupid of a move what Clara did was. But this season was built up with foreknowledge that Clara was clearly peaking on the suicidal side. I think what made this work was it tied so well into this series theme of personal stakes. All the battles in this

    I was interested in Capaldi since I saw his cameo in day of the doctor. And while there are those that may disagree I thoroughly enjoyed his first series as he got to mellow as the doctor and more or less spent a series finding his center and this current series has shown what that journey created. A mellow yet much

    When does he host. I feel I must watch this train wreck.