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    Oliver? How quickly we forget him around Eddie

    Damn this episode took the body count to ridiculous, if blood free, levels. The zygons were dropping people left and right. I was suspect of Clara when she left the apartment but considering after she didn't really do much I let it go until the reveal. I felt this was a good episode overall and it was a strong set up

    I can't be the only one who misses the hardcore parkour of arsenal, but Thea did his legacy proud tonight. I am super juiced for Constantine next week as well

    I am currently in college looking into academic scholarships on top of using Financial Aid wondering how the hell they are acting like sports are the only route. Like there are even minority specific scholarships he definitely is eligible for.

    I feel like Barry deciding he is just going to take people's blood seemed out of character even if it was to save Stein. Then Caitlyn being super against Jackson for what exactly? Being a mechanic? And really Jackson as yet another black man incapable of going to college without a sport scholarship(could have at least

    But Zoom was mentioned by King Shark and Wells in the preview talks about him.

    But she was wrong since Jay didn't go because he couldn't afford it due to tearing his ACL and losing out on his chance for a scholarship. It made her look pretty weak overall.

    The Flash
    "Better let them find out later and see what happens!"

    That is what I felt to. Such a missed chance to really drill in King Shark's abruptness in the episode. But I give them major props for having dropped the hint he was there as if it was going to be a set up for a different episode

    I hope this is true as king shark would get ten times cooler in my book

    I almost did it that way but I admire your speed.lol

    I have to say… I always knew spambots were racist anti-Semites

    Can I say I continue to love Capaldi's Doctor's love of dropping references to his older incarnations. O felt this worked best because the humor was much more tailored to this version of the doctor. I was one of the fans of series 8 because capaldi added depth to playing the doctor as he figured out his self. Series 9

    I liked this episode and it served as a good introduction to Anarky, even if I agree his intro was just generic mad man. I hope they put the small yet useful Arrow Rogues to good use. Kamodo would be much more useful as an adversary since it looks like Merlin won't be dark arching as much.

    I liked last nights episode and with everyone in on the secret it makes interactions more fluid. I agree Flash is definitely going wild with the set ups compared to Arrow but the universe Arrow helped build makes both evolutions extremely believable. I liked the nod to last week's episode announcement from the Green

    Grey Jedi Morgan understands the path of the dark side and simply wants Rick to acknowledge that path and utilize it. I liked how practically every character had a real story beat given the shows tendency to forget they have almost half a cast to work with in favor of Rick, Daryl, Carol, Michonne, and coral.

    Jedi master training from his friend came with the stick skills.

    I think it is more geared to younger audience to get them involved in the sci fi aspect that twelve is definitely leaning on.

    I have generally enjoyed Capaldi's time on the show and this episode really was a good showing for him especially in the opening. I feel by explaining the paradox before using it it helped to accentuate the question and end break down. sure it could have dug deeper but why did it need to?