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    Only if you're white… Or male… Or straight

    On the one hand I appreciate the show for just being overtly honest about how shitty the 50's were but I felt like it decided it was more important to utilize its cast for once instead of making the show move in a smart pace. Why would Jax dare fight a white guy in a racist city during a time where that shit was super

    I was disappointed they didn't attempt harsher language to really show what that meant.

    My name is Oliver queen. 32 seasons ago I took on deathstroke. After winning I began a small 30+ season of mediocrity from big production dreams but then Deathstroke Jr attacked. I lost my arm. I failed this city. But to keep this show going I had to be someone else I had to be something else… Instead I just became

    Right. I love her character and her reasoning was spot on against rip but she also took it all so seriously and without having savage connected to the issue it only begs the question why she didn't chew Ollie out for losing against halfstroke

    I watch for Jax too. Hey he is trying and at this point that is all I can ask

    It has to be on purpose. I would love for them to do an episode set in London where rip dresses up like his old doctor who character to move around.lol

    I liked the idea of the episode but this was a time when a two part one off story would have been best. There was too much info forcibly stuffed into an hour. No reason really given why Deathstroke jr. was able to take over star city other than Fuck it. No real reason why Diggle Jr chose the name Conner hawke, no real

    Lol I forgot Mick's last name was Rory for a sec and thought Rip hunter was going to be evil. Damn you doctor who.

    At that point wouldn't the flash backs just be flash backs of previous arrow seasons?lol

    What is Roy without parkour? Nothing nothing I tell you

    Yeah which is why this would have been s great time to pull out the van Duke to differentiate it from it's clear inspiration

    Conner hawke's power is racial change didn't you know?

    Except… Once again there is nothing that explains why this time the merger worked without the need for theoretical particles in the air. The matrix was not the key to the merger and while Stein has the molecules no one else should be able to replicate the experiment. Which is why flash had to explain that Jefferson

    Yeah that retcon was real. It did murk up the understanding of metas. But it followed the same general understanding of what made firestorm. Unlike legends just throwing it Al out the window

    Exactly like I am not saying the episode wasn't fun but this episode threw out much of what the flash has worked to establish. I mean they used the particle accelerator explosion twice if it was so unimportant why do it?

    But… It didn't you're ignoring that this episode didn't explain how the scientist survived or merged with Stein. The matrix didn't suddenly change Stein even says that the equation is close to his original formula. So what exactly did this "retcon"explain because it totAlly bypassed explaining how this "new" origin

    If we are to fully follow this universes concept of history firestorm can't even exist outside of 2016 since once the theoretical energies leave the atmosphere he should pull a thawne and be ass out of luck. But that at least has the excuse of their powers working different to excuse it. This entire attempt was doomed

    You can't retcon the definition of a retcon. The show in no way works to imply firestorm's origin is different than first thought. It completely ignores the origin and reorigin(because both Jefferson and Ronnie had to be hit by the particle accelerator to trigger the meta power needed for the merger) to tell this