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    1. You say Bitter, but from my perspective all I have dealt with is tongue in cheek responses

    Moral of the story: if you are of color please stop seeing racism in everything. All you need to do is have a good attitude and see the colorblind world for what it really is and stop making everything about race like white people have been doing because they haven't had any experience involving prejudice because they

    Hey the people of today didn't own slaves and we should always remember that they pull themselves of from their bootstraps and don't cry race at things they don't like… so stop crying race because we are beyond that and people these days don't see color. Now let's go bomb some terrorists

    Exactly why can't black people just realize racism is over and all the incidents of racial prejudice are simply isolated incidents and not representative of racial bias in America. We GOT A BLACK Iris West for pete sake.

    Agent M!!!!! Curse you Morgan the traveler

    Hey why do we always forget we also have a black Spider-Man now.

    It definitely was a slow and deliberate paced episode. I like that it isn't burning through Alexandria and is instead crafting a reason for the society to exist and be worth keeping. I also like that it shows why Rick and his crew are so much better because they are a family and when they talk and interact it helps to

    I wouldn't accuse the show of Racism but I would definitely accuse it of poor character management. Look at the dynamics of Rick's group.

    It just feels so out of character for her to suddenly backlash when she has done plenty that has comeback to bite her and she took it in stride. I am hoping that season 3 is more of a transition season as it seems it is trying to push a new dynamic but can't do it in a smooth stride at least when it comes to felicity.

    The reporter angle would be good for Flash considering what just happened. Zen seeker feels more Arrow for some reason.

    Man I was freaking annoyed with Felicity in some parts of this episode. She is so much better than that. She lashed at Ollie for no reason. I was glad that Ollie is at least trying to define what he is even if the storytelling is a bit haphazard I have faith that arrow will bring this home in a satisfying way. Also

    Peek a boo for the suicide squad and they could make it a show and balance the cast with those that appear on arrow and flash… that's too grand a dream

    Yes the question is who I want to see on TV and he can be either his supernatural hero or paranoid hero form.

    This is the show we want, but not the one we need right now. Alas will Ollie ever remember that salmon ladder made him.

    I was annoyed by how much this episode back tracked, but I was also annoyed at the whole Linda Park/Iris situation. Linda was way too forgiving, Iris received zero consequence for messing with Barry and Linda's date and his life in general, and then the ending cop out with Caitlin how is mental psychosis a better

    He didn't lose Michonne. He pulled the same craziness that Sasha pulled michonne took him out for the best of everyone because otherwise Rick would have destroyed the Alexandrians. It just looks worst because we haven't gotten her side of this moment yet

    Rick trusts Sasha as a warrior but their friendship is nonexistent, so because she lacks that main character connection her story ends up being more see don't tell which is hard to follow if you don't have interest in characters in general. Michonne definitely saw a bit of herself in sasha in that last scene remember

    I thought Sasha made sense she has probably had it the worst this season since she has been one of the few characters to fully interact with the recently killed Tyreese(Brother), Bob(Boyfriend), and Noah(she had to forgive his part in Tyreese death) if anyone has a reason to be having a breakdown it is her. I think it

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