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    I like that instead of King Lear we are getting a family renewal. I want to see how empire works through all the issues pertaining to them as a family and how that affects their business on the daily. I like that as a label they do the ridiculous for their clients it just feels like a solid family hustle. And while of

    This was a great episode and it condensed a lot of story, but I am glad that it also sprinkled little story hints to possible future arcs. Rick has gone to such a strong place that allows him to be effective as a leader and character. I like how almost every character got some kind of story beat. I am hoping Sasha

    I feel like with how far away from his origin they went with Ray they should have simply used Ted or gone with a better hero to use because without the real ATOM Ray for all it is worth is kinda lackluster imo. As for the episode the more I thought about it the more I wondered what was anyone's plan. I like that the

    Jamal and Cookie run this show. Between these two many scenes are carried out so well.

    I know I wish that fans wouldn't get so annoyed by the splits or character focus episodes because to do them they don't require large zombie attacks or any at all and that works better in a comic then it does on tv apparently

    Rick Grimes

    Honestly I was expecting her to drop some three some hints with Maggie and Glenn so maybe you're onto something.lol

    Rick Grimes

    She has actually been in the last few episodes just… not doing anything.lol

    Totally agreed and if you are worried about me I have knowledge up until the most recent skip.

    Zombie killing WOOOOOOOO

    Naw she is there simply look at the scene where Aaron is talking about the pics behind him is Darryl behind Darryl(as if anyone was looking behind him) is rosita on his left, tara on his right

    Rick Grimes

    This was a great episode. Rick and Michonne have definitely become a closer duo than expected. I like that Aaron was so cool under the admitted pressure. It was even funnier that only Michonne really said anything about rick punching Aaron. I can't be too harsh considering I have comic knowledge and generally know

    Because Tara forgot Tara was a lesbian

    Rick Grimes

    Fighting merlyn didn't involve fighting a well trained group of assassins though

    I liked the white Hakeem joke. I thought this was a decent episode with the preview setting up more. Truth be told I kinda can see that Anika knows this is above simply sex and love, but power and control. She seems like she is only in it for the money and it showed.

    I liked this episode over many others and think the flashbacks served their narrative purpose: Oliver, Laurel, and Lance. Tommy and Thea were served to simply be relegated to what they used to be but it also kinda shows just how far Thea's character has come since season one. I like that the last few episodes have

    I actually think the partnership made sense. Oliver needs someone who has worked with Ra's. Yes Merlyn is a maniac, but we got a man with an army at his hands and the only person who knows how he possibly works is Merlyn. I feel last week rightfully called out Oliver's more stupid means of being protective