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    Agreed I liked the ideas of compassion but their implementation was horrible. Yes tyrese we should be good people… no tyrese Cannibal is probably not someone we should keep alive out of compassion

    That's… some deep pathology you got working there. It is okay good honest sensible people don't

    I agree, but Rick also has situational Brutality. Tyrese never got past the idea that killing is wrong. I get that it isn't right but the world is more kill or be killed and sometimes you have to hurt others to protect your own… and THE LAST GUY HE KEPT ALIVE WAS A CANNIBAL

    Not at all I don't believe the show is meant to be dark but there is a difference between being optimistic in a bleek world vs being stupidly ineffective at surviving and realizing a bad person won't suddenly become good because you showed compassion. I just like when rick's group works with a dark apathy. If you

    I feel his comic counter was better. Tyrese not killing was truly the reason those cannibals were able to follow them or at least contributed to their problems. he has been a bit of a hindrance to the groups effectiveness

    Yes it was so odd to randomly get a tyrese specific episode when he has done little to draw fan care


    I am glad they killed off tyrese he was simply dead weight. Much like Andrea his comic prowess was missing and it was odd they chose to spend the episode discussing Tyrese's death off the heels pf Beth's death being the topper of the mid season but I guess with two hope filled characters dead the team can be a bit

    True but only Felicity actually left. Roy kept going, Laurel joined up, and diggle just went to think. The issue I personally have is Felicity is pulling a season 1 Laurel and getting praised for it yet laurel pulls through to fight and only gets hate. And I am a huge olicity fan

    For once I agree with the review. After a few rather decently drama moments it felt like this episode tried to push too many things to resolutions rather than stringing them as they should have been like tianna's gf or the robbery on Jamal. I felt the only character with the right to act so paranoid was cookie. Jamal

    I know right. She is definitely better than this as a character. I also get her reasons for being mad but she has just become this woman wrapped in love and emotions and not the smart thinker who has pushed ollie for two seasons to be better.

    Well Ollie is an ex-playboy so I guess charm is his thing.lol

    I found the ending to be a let down and Felicity is beginning to suffer the same issues Laurel had. Flip flopping between emotions and generally acting as if she suddenly doesn't realize the stakes and such. Just like last week when she gave that speech that Ollie's cause was now their cause… except no one quit or

    I wholeheartedly believe they simply found the Travolta's old hair

    I would say it was more B or B+ for me. I felt Peek-a-boo like all the metahumans so far lacked depth(especially odd given almost every human foe has been so well crafted) but the rest of the episode flows a bit better. It is more consecutive mini plots paced together than a story focusing on peek-a-boo which if it

    I like the Audacity of Gotham. I know the show is really hit and miss on some points, but I keep watching for the odd mix mash. It will show us a gruesome build up to murder then shrug it off. It would feel bad but it almost becomes humorous how much no one takes these odd deaths and crazy happenings as any warning

    Agreed which is why I liked this episode more it didn't try to scare the audience it was intent on simply scaring the characters and their fear sold the atmosphere and made it feel creepy vs trying too hard

    I liked that it was stuck with its atmosphere throughout and never played too much on the idea that we the viewer needed to be scared versus the people In the story. It was also good to see the little bits slowly being pulled together. I kept getting a freddy Kruger vibe from Shaw. I like Richie as a character and saw

    Well I mean it is his first name.lol

    I liked Cisco and felt Iris wasn't bad. The issue with Cisco is he embodies the nerdy fanboy and is in constant amazement at his world which can come off a bit annoying if you don't like your pop culture in your face. For Iris it was never her fault for not having clear feelings for Barry. He never told her. As for