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    It was only just brought up. That is how you sow seeds for storylines it didn't have to go deep it just laid foundation for future plot points. Luscious got involved in the shoot out. Titan isn't even associated with the Nation according to his mother. What's the point of using the setting if they have to pick and

    Pretty sure it is. I just wanted us all to admit the worst wig belongs to china white

    But the issue is it does play a part in the story it is what connects lucious to the story since it opens up more about his history as well as how cookie figures out the best approach. Then there is the fact that this show continuously overhypes everyone because it is a drama and they tend to want to make it seem like

    Glad I am not the only one seeing that. The reviewer is constantly trying to act like this show is a display of hip hop first

    You haven't? This show is definitely healthy on the eyes for both males and females

    When the real world has rappers like Chief Keef, Young Thug, and gutta gutta I can find no reason to immediately cringe at names like Kid Fo Fo(though I admittedly rolled my eyes upon first hearing it) or Titan.

    Tiana is on the darker side and clearly is shown to have some moral standards, even if she still kinda is a bit oversexualized.

    Yeah this review was up late so it took a minute

    Fair enough but I was hoping that thea wouldn't just let that go

    I still kinda feel like you take this show as a representation of the Hip Hop world first and a drama second when it is clear that it is the reverse situation happening. The show makes huge dramatic leaps and puts it in the world of hip hop. Not only that but the show focuses on one families struggle whereas in the

    Just rewatched the episode and the News Reporter does name drop Red Arrow. So code name Arsenal media name red arrow? Also for an assassin DJ Chad sure did slip up to thea that he knew of her plans with merlyn a man hell bent on his secrecy

    Because they are the only characters that realize you really can't just butt into people's lives and do whatever you think is best for them even if they know it is stupid.

    When laurel calls her dad she uses felicity to make her voice sound like Sara

    Agreed also I can't help but chuckle when you realize there is hardly reason for him to look that messed up in hong kong. Plus it looks nearly artistic compared to china white

    Yeah right Ollie's wig at least looks human China White is the real offense here and wardrobe should be ashamed.

    Secretly it was the salmon ladder that glued the team together not Oliver

    I have been on the Roy/Arsenal fan wagon since his intro. And while season 2 and 3 have been wonky with his storyline the episode tonight proved that Roy was becoming his own and I can only hope the writers realize that now that he has held his own well with two of the big trinity on Arrow he can keep working with

    Well it could be argued that every villain so far has taken advantage of the writers ignoring the flash's power are based on being able to run at speeds that make him impossible to fight fairly. I mean if we want to take it a step further even Rathaway got away with writer convenience since flash should have just

    And he's the hard nose over stressed protective and respected… well Captain of the police

    So many great moments in this episode but pied piper did feel a bit second fiddle to the developments and I do call BS on the fact that no one wondered where Rathaway went after fighting flash since he isn't some two bit name, but it will be saved if the payoff for firestorm is worth it