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    "unlike Cold, he has figured out that he needs some kind of strategy before fighting someone moving at supersonic speed"

    The new episode snapped a lot back into focus and even gave the cast a chance to breathe without the power of the Arrow overcasting.

    I was expecting them to go with a fake out as Flass "contact" felt too convenient a fake set up… and then flass did it and I was like well shit. I am just hoping he gets cleared so he can spend the time being a huge thorn in his side

    Normally I enjoy Gotham for sheer weirdness sake but this did feel like it missed what it was building up. Especially Mooney after all that was promised she gets such an easy payoff. It is rather unfair maybe if we at least had a week to think she was in danger it would have been more compelling when butch saves her.

    Yes Bullock and Alfred have really been the saving grace when it comes to much needed witty dialogue.lol I find that bullock tends to make the other characters around him sound better

    If you personally aren't paying attention it is unfair to blame the show for it. It was clear the person was burned to death because we watched him burning before the commercial. As for the flashbacks it was clear that John and Chaz knew each other for a minute so he had already been spending some time doing demon

    Personally I disagree because I don't see Arrow biting that hard from Batmam, but I shall like it if only for that bond reference.lol

    I don't really see Ra's doing that either but maybe he is nicer than his comic counterpart since that Ra's would have destroyed starling city and killed Arrow. Plus given he knows Oliie is willing to go against him it makes him an unpredictable variable for a man like ra's

    Interesting theory but I don't see ra's as being that forgiving.

    I don't normally draw to dramas but everyone in this show is so multidimensional and it makes you intrigued in their decisions. Cookie stays as a beast and Jamal is coming into his own. I don't think I really like Hakeem's character but It is more that he represents a lot of the issues I see in most people from his

    I honestly thought this was a great start to a second half. The bigger arc has been revealed with Ra's and the smaller more personal arcs feel fluid. I personally liked how much more time roy was given and feel that he can handle dialogue a lot better when it has focus especially given he could have done way better

    Yeah after the move in the next episode really played with the obvious bruce and selina shipping, but for some odd reason I find its odd use of dark comedy funny the electrocutionor story was at least a bit more clear cut than other episodes but maybe I just like the odd version of Gotham being built

    I like it. Sure it has balancing issues. But I feel it is slowly finding its voice

    I loved this episode and it once again proves why Cisco is a well deserved character. With all the seriousness it is always nice to have someone who can remember the joy. Also when wells said cold I had the same grin Cisco did even more than when snart used it. I like that we have flash now as it can balance the

    Corto Maltese?

    It's funny I like Gotham. Sure it has issues, but I feel it is slowly finding its voice and groove within its own myrhos… and then there is Barbara who has done nothing, but served to make people question the other characters by proxy of knowing her.

    I was fine with the quick resolution to the electrocutionor plot and the simplistic defeat made me chuckle as for how over the top the premise was it was really just a matter of simple planning to stop it. I was surprised they even took the time to acknowledge Barbara given she added zero to the plot

    I knew that the half season would create a stronger narrative once they got past fixing in zed as a character. I liked that even if you don't feel invested they did at least introduce some character backstory. I figured the invuche was going to be unimportant overall, but the fact that there are more demons running

    Let's not question it and just enjoy every time she does it because like Jamal said, "Cookie knows EVERYTHING." lol

    I like the show. It isn't about the hip hop world but a family that made it into the world successfully. Lucius is from the older struggling world and isn't really up to date, his sons are the present, cookie even calls him out on his style but shows her own traits. Sure it is taking liberties though honestly I have