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    Personally I feel like twelve is just eleven done backwards. Where Eleven was more of him hiding his dark temperament under a young face and goofy bravado, Twelve is a just an old man who uses his more Caustic nature as a way to hide his humble, good nature. I noticed there was a lot less bragging and grandstanding

    I felt the same vibe like it really could easily be fixed in case something changed but it was still well told

    I find the humor funnier because of his more alien personality. The show still can be goofy without the doctor having to go over the top every other minute. I can't argue history but I can say I am more intrigued by this doctor and he got me to decide to join in watching the show.

    Agreed. This episode did not lie and had all the right to use the dream storyline. I feel like this story might have had the dream theme more so that the door could be open in case what supposedly happened is true.(I don't really follow behind scene stories too much)

    I liked Martha. Sure I was annoyed by her pining for the doctor but she made up for it by being a far more competent person overall. Putting herself in difficult positions to help the doctor. Then she helps beat the master by simply walking and talking. By her end I was more annoyed by the doctor for not simply

    Agreed. You can always spot how Capaldi's doctor is feeling based on his facial expressions like in his debut against the half face man where he talks about not knowing who he was originally anymore and the look of pain and revelation on Capaldi's face told everything. Smith tended to have to explain his feelings to

    Him and the war doctor are the reason I finally gave doctor who a chance. Smith and Tennant were good but I felt like they were too goofy at times.

    I felt her first half with tennant was strong as well as her goodbye but the middle area really was more her character becoming a damsel than being useful. I also did state that clara was better at working with her second doctor than rose overall.

    You see time is like cup of soup. Some things aren't always flowing like you think… in fact it's not like cup of soup, forget I said that.

    I absolutely love Capaldi as the doctor. He is just so multilayered compared to Smith(Not that I dislike smith he made uncool cool again) and he just plays so well off of people. I am starting to feel shades of late season Rose Taylor with Clara. They both work better with their second doctor(clara more than rose) but

    I was blown away by this episode. I was a lil giddy when Felicity said why does this keep happening to me. I am glad they clearly showed that Ra's ain't Arrow league by a mile. Those weak batman lines end here Ollie ain't trouncing that level of skill. I was glad ray kinda got a bit humanized and it does explain his

    Okay that redeemed you in my eyes. bravo.

    I like this but felt you missed the opportunity to use the term Flash fact and given the environment that is a bit sad. :( lol

    That would be fine but cupid gets ridiculously screwed in her fight against arrow and that makes it a bit harder to buy Roy's lose maybe if they had put it on screen it could have helped or just had her blind side him vs shock and knock out but I am a Roy supporter so I hope they step him up a bit

    That bite omg did you feel the love from that bite? And when he started chewing… damn I was about to cry

    Jesse L. Martin could make me watch a show about him eating a ham sandwich and get me emotionally invested in it

    I agree I feel like at this point it can't be wells because it makes the most sense I feel like most likely will be someone different with wells explaining his part in it all as more of an accessory to this

    Oh god Wells is Zoom(reverse-flash is going to be too cumbersome to write so bare with me). I think wells is going to be a different zoom or that what we saw wasn't truly what we thought. So many questions.

    I was talking about how the reviewer has constantly given the show low scores and how this episode fell into B territory. And even if I still thought this was marginally better that allows me the right to fully disagree since I also didn't like how the reviewer missed a lot of the key points of the episode as well

    Almost doesn't mean exactly