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    It just feels like the scene could have been framed better. Like the whole boyfriend thing really sounds like it was an after thought added in delivery.

    Yeah but I see why it would be a waste to explain that scene simply because the show had done a good job making a villain who by simple definition of his powers should be no match for the likes of Ollie let alone Barry avoid capture despite no physical prowess that no matter how you play it after the flash arrow fight

    I just was bored in my fake story. The point was simply that the scene plays so clunky when there are better ways to play the scene. It was matter of fact either because he makes a statement to a question no one alluded to.

    Not even that.

    It still would have been clunky because no one asked why he was doing that. It's like he was acknowledging some unknown character before Eddie.

    Batman is Vengence, he is the Night, He does NOT eat nachos.

    You sir win my upvote

    Funnier considering they did name drop Fire in wells victim list last week.lol

    Eddie is so gay for Barry. Now that is a relationship that was built right

    Glad to see I wasn't the only that felt that could have been dealt with better. Imagine the thinking process

    Five how dare you ignore the cosmic treadmill

    Three things

    I am sure an arrow fan said it, but she ties into season 2 of Arrow and *Spoilers*

    That is exactly why she did it. She cares about Noah and felt dawn trying to force him to come back was really her problem expecting more than she earned.

    And dawn brought that upon herself for trying to take a bit more than she deserved with Noah. Rick honestly should have said, "Bitch, no I won't make a grown man basically return to slavery in the guise of indentured servitude."

    I agree if they were going for a mini governor, but having read the comic and watched the show. She never gave me a Governor vibe. In fact while she was rather one dimensional I feel that is simply because there wasn't enough info on the hospital which I blame on them waiting until deep in season 5 to reveal what

    The exchange went smoothly until Dawn decided to try to be the one in charge. With how easily Rick owned her crew through the build up you would think she would have been wise enough not to try such a stupid move.

    Dawn made the stupid choice Beth got mad that she wanted extra after and attempted to kill her the fact that she her pistol drawn fast enough to kill beth shows her implications had they resisted.

    The only narrative issue overall that was weird was how few people wanted to leave with rick whether they parted ways or not. We all knew only dawn was stupid enough to question Rick's law

    Shane's dead because he let his jealousy of Rick and Lori cloud his judgement. If you why throw speculations I believe like Kirkman said on the talking dead that shane would have had a smaller group by this point because he is willing to sacrifice people as he sees fit, rick is not.