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    Different moments the murder was without any talk. She chose to kill people in her own ideal as opposed to the cop who rick even gave a fair warning to stop he never planned to outright kill him but he didn't listen.

    After Carol committed arson and murder and led a poor couple on a suicide run that cost a woman her life, but yeah Rick totally was irrational to do that.>.>

    I agree. Dawn was hardly a Governor. She was weaker person trying to maintain control of weaker people

    Completely agreed killed the pacing and the ultimate resolution of the arc. I was sad that they chose to go that route but ultimately the rest of the payoff was good and both Maggie and Darryl have a strong arc going into the second half

    I almost cried myself. That was a horrible hit on top of beth dying.

    It was more a realization that Dawn was power hungry and that while there were bad seeds having another bad seed at top was just as detrimental. I don't know how many sleazy cops there really were in the place to know how big a factor they really were to the hospital.

    Agreed I feel like people forget this isn't some show where a miracle will happen. It is a show that asks can people still remain overall human in a world where the rules that helped maintain that are gone.

    I agree a diverse group opens multiple ways for people to take the death besides it can really be centralized to Darryl and Maggie. As for Maggie's uncaring attitude it can be explained later as her simply not holding hope after Darryl told her Beth was kidnapped. The group had no way until a lucky drive by to ever

    This was my only complaint like it felt more in place for Darryl to do it and not full kill the purity of beth but come on we saw her shoot in the prison fight and kill walkers there was no need to not have her finish dawn off and dawn retaliating creating the same tense scene

    I can't agree. The Dawn and Beth arc was decent enough to end as a midseason finale. Beth definitely grew from the missing character from season 4. I thought Dawn was sympathetic if loathsome in the end. It was her fault that the ending happened and it was completely expected from her. She had no reason to ask for

    Manny is what I expected from an Angel guide character. He is more used for exposition purpose than as an outright character. Plus his whole shtick is I could be helpful but nah

    A.V. Club

    C is mediocre, B is above average

    I found the episode to be a nice story that explains john better but the biggest problem is it feels like it was supposed to air earlier and as such some scenes like Manny talking to john in the kitchen feel more like things that should have been explained as opposed to actual character moments

    B is hardly awful. But the show has a lot of world building to do

    Not the quality but continuity. I say let gotham get 2 or so seasons in so that you can pepper each meeting lightly as the show develops

    I liked how fast paced this episode was. I am getting a little tired of killing the freaks of the week and feel like if they could have flashbacked to help flesh out villains why wait until now to do that? Overall though it was a fun episode better than last week

    Actually I think this would be an interesting batman universe for the future when you consider the little elements. If I could trust DC I would say it needs a future comic series

    Because the show doesn't know what it wants to be to the batman mythos.

    Cough nygma cough