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    I agree that this wasn't a good midseason finale. I liked alfred and Bruce because duh batman and good storytelling. But the pacing felt bad like too much and too little got stuffed in. Dent's mistake should have been the end of last week's episode and the ending should have been built up more. It seemed awfully quick

    That foot has a following and a (literally)dying fanbase.lol

    I was okay with the ending for drama purpose, but it was still blah after sasha has seen growth. I also can't take dawn seriously, even as a reasonable authority figure. I liked the zombie fight with Daryl

    Exactly how I feel there was nothing in the review that earned that grade

    I thought this episode was rather solid. Sure Cupid appears one note but the suicide squad did wonders for Deadshot and she has the chance to join the branch.

    I agree. Iris isn't nearly as 2 dimensional as early Arrow Laurel. At least at the end Barry acknowledged her(though I feel it is stupid that Barry won't come clean.)

    This is becoming my favorite show of DC only behind Arrow because… well I like the batman parallels . The cast really is falling into place and Iris is getting stronger as a character(though I agree damsel in distress should be used correctly and sparingly and I am still not invested in her and barry). And all hail

    Well if anything I am glad that Gotham has actually handled Bruce and Selina well. Dent kinda was too much but I am starting to think Gotham does that and waits for fan reaction to shape him right. I mean look at Nygma.lol

    Rewatching the episode I realize john was a bastard in this. He didn't give him a choice. The only difference is greg got to realize he was in a no way out situation. It makes John more of a bastard in letting him realize his death was John's plan vs making it so he had no choice. And shows john isn't really a dick by