Evan Fowler

Man, that scene with the Attorney General opening backdoor negotiations had the most aggressively distracting pipe-smoking I have ever seen. It was like they were trying to out-pipe each other. That was my biggest takeaway from this episode: Men used to communicate subtly via pipe.

"at a production cost of $10 million per episode makes Game Of Thrones look like a triumph of guerrilla filmmaking"

"I'm sorry! 'Dad's Got Cancer' was literally the first thing to enter my mind…"

Hooper rules. That's a great example of this. Not only for the nudity, either. That whole movie is booze and pill jokes, front to back. You don't see a lot of that anymore. And by "a lot", I mean, "at all, ever".

Do it. You'll love it. It's one of the funniest, most epic things you will ever read.

Wow. Bizarre. The title of that episode should have just been "NOPE!".

The sad part is that I would've happily watched nine seasons of LOST. Even if huge portions of the show involved cages. Perhaps even especially so. The heart is unknowable.

I know that this is kind of sweeping and a little unfair but I feel like a lot of the time BSG was vague when it should have been clearer and too clear when it should've been more vague. I do kinda enjoy the insane "watch it all burn" ending that they went with, but it does sorta feel like the negative ending from a

What have they done to my Preacher? What have they done?

This song is always in my head now, but always making up it's own words.

32 songs?! Were there really that many? Even with the score, that sounds like way too many. Are there songs that we haven't heard yet?! I want there to be! I want it terribly! I wonder if this will be actually purchasable or, in traditional Mondo style, will simply sell out to thousands of internet purchasing bots

Huh. You'd think that Chris Angel would have an ancient Tibetan technique for keeping marriages together. Seems a lot more practical than any number of methods for hammering nails into your hand. Magicians, man.

Oh, I'm gonna watch that s**t right this minute.

Nice. See, I think I'd take that as a personal challenge. I'd probably start trying to deliberately freak her out. From The Witches and Brave Little Toaster all the way to The Shining and eventually Evil Dead (maybe starting with Army and moving backwards). Though, and I'll be the first to admit this, I'm probably not

Ha! Disposable horses. I love it. Your niece is awesome.

Don't forget about Artex drowning in the sadness swamps in The Neverending Story. He literally kills himself because he is too sad not to die. No wonder our entire generation is on Lexapro. We're not depressed, we're just trying to keep The Nothing at bay.

He writes pretty good Courtney Love songs, too.

That made no sense on any level.

And all we got to keep was the racist mountain. Boo.

They shouldn't reshoot. They should just let the change happen. I PROMISE you that it'll make it better. You KNOW it'll make it better.