Evan Fowler

I loved the guy holding out his arm and herding him into the office building and then walking off without a word. This is how Dougie gets around. The world just bends to his needs. It's so goddamn funny. When I saw that Belushi conga line, I was cracking up, but when I saw that Dougie was in it, I could barely

"A… meat-balloon?"

The worst part is, surprisingly, not the brutal murder at the hands of an emotionless robot. The worst part is the way it incomprehensibly screams, "BALLS HAVE ZERO TO ME TO ME TO ME TO ME!!!", over and over while they do it.

Can confirm. Cable was cancelled before season 4.

We were definitely supposed to notice the similarities between the two at the end of this episode. I'm surprised that it wasn't mentioned in this review.

Hell no. I don't want Mable anywhere near any of these people.

And then an "inventor" in Transformers: Age of Extinction, though that's mainly conveyed by him exclaiming, repeatedly, that he is an "inventor" and moaning about his innate and desperate need to "invent". It is hilarious. It is also completely abandoned by the next film. Because of course it is.

Man, I had no idea that Tesla was so self-conscious. Ironically, he's actually pretty eloquent in describing his inability to be eloquent. Weird. Cool speech, otherwise. Hard not to imagine David Bowie giving it.


He said on his twitter that they did that scene in two takes. Called it the hardest scene of his life. Really cool. Dude has been underrated for far too long.

At least he didn't sell out. He bought in.

I watched Jesse Custer light his cigarette with a disposable bic tonight.

Wait, how was Alvin a monster? Because of the friendly fire memory? I mean, he seemed really guilty about it. Did I miss something? It has been a long while since I've seen it.

In related news, I see no mention of doom cock.

I always loved it when they would punctuate a scene by panning over to to a comparable situation on "Invitation to Love" and then cut to commercial. Kills me.

I love the way he says "Ben". It really seems like he's going to say something else after, so the hickory sticks line catches you totally off guard.


Not to mention, they've been depending on a thing with the exact same face already for the entire journey.

Which Fowler? This Fowler? I'm down here. I am the primary Fowler. Fowler: Prime, am I. How may I direct your call?

Ah. I completely forgot the name of the network on that show. Makes sense. Neat! A little inside HBO joke. Plus, named after a fabled lost city feels like a small comment on news in general.