Evan Fowler

Atlanta is under quarantine. It's the only way to keep the Georgia out.

Yeah, I honestly don't know which would be more gross. Either way, really.

For real. I have a hard time imagining kids not being creeped out by that dude, as well. It's a totally different dynamic that doesn't really serve the satirical elements well at all. So it goes.

The only real disappointment I have is that I was hoping for talking ram-gods, not furry satyr-gods, but whatever.

Ditto. I "found" another "copy" that had an additional like 45 seconds. Basically, Julia just points the knife at the beast and says, "You killed Umber. You found Umber. You know how to f**k up Gods. Let's make a deal". Then he says, "Yes, let's.". Then they vanish. Quentin looks at Penny, who is staring at his bloody

The city so nice, they named it… Jacksonville.

That sword was wicked badass.

Yeah it was! I remember being totally mesmerized by the blood and gems. So shiny…

Right? Taunting Ghost Patti is great! And it's not like they haven't been laying the groundwork for it. His Father's entire story is about him seeing and hearing things and ruining his life by not listening to them. It's happened to Kevin before. It happened to the dog-killer. His Father specifically mentioned a

The scene with Richard Kind and the mustache guy reacting to the dude in American Flag hot-pants is probably my favorite of the series. So funny. I'd sure love to see Hal Hartley play around in "tv" a lot more. That guy is brilliant at crafting great little human moments. RIP Henry Foole.

All that crap you threw out probably cost somebody a hundred grand.


"Can't a guy call his ex-wife drunk at 3 in the morning to talk and not have it have to MEAN SOMETHING??"

I cannot imagine how you could talk about this movie and not mention Tom Waits. Madness.

And there's something horrible wrong with his elbow.

Man, that Witherspoon show sounds godawful. The other one sounds pretty cool, though.

Nice. I am with you on all counts. Now they just need to put Clancy Brown into one of them. Or both.


I did too. It really trips me out. I've just never seen anything set in Georgia before that wasn't filled to the brim with stereotypes and caricatures. First thing ever that is shot in Georgia, feels like Georgia, and is filled with characters who might as well be my relatives. It totally speaks to me. Speaks to us, I

It's because the characters feel so real and authentically flawed. Nothing seems contrived. It's all natural action and natural reaction. Not to mention, I've lived in Georgia all my life and they have exactly nailed the suburban rural social dynamics of this part of the south. The town of Pauley is fictional, but