Mark Bolin

This episode was amazing. If they pull the rug out from under us in the next episode and just figure out a way to save everyone I'm gonna be really pissed.

I think I've been reading the news too much because I immediately thought of Hillary Clinton with this description. Also, great observation regardless.

Definitely. I actually think this episode was A material for this reason. The 100 has done a few false comparisons in the past, pitting "pragmatic" options that are actually ruthless and inhumane against "compassionate" options that are objectively more sensible. But this one was a real actual moral conundrum, and I

The most annoying part about this story arc to me is the fact that no one apparently even considered the idea that Blaine might lie to them about having his memories back if and when that does happen. Like, isn't that exactly what they should expect Blaine to do? The only thing that makes me kind of question whether

He tried to siege it up at the very end of the episode anyway, and Wun Wun made short work of that.

My biggest WTF of this episode was watching everyone INSIST on how horrible it would be to kill Darhk's wife because killing is wrong. Then IMMEDIATELY turn around and be all, we have to kill that sob Darhk!

I'll freely admit that I am kind of sensitive to this generally, but man o man did Arrow mansplain his way through this episode. I just absolutely hate the plotline, which I think is fairly common in soap opera-esque stories actually, where a woman breaks up with a man and then the man takes it upon himself to win

I have to disagree with the reviewer's assessment that this episode was overstuffed, I thought it was PERFECT. Absolutely loved this episode. From Liv's scientist brain to Blaine's hilariousness and character development to the CHILLING scene with Vaughn. As far as I'm concerned Rita was the real standout character

Lol. Now THAT I would have enjoyed.

So most people have already discussed/harped on the things that annoyed me with this episode (see ham-fisted anti-drug message) but I just want to point out one thing: the show's focus on Barry's reaction when they find out Jay is Zoom. Like, WTH? I understand he's the main protagonist but if there is one moment where

This episode enraged me. I'm sorry, saving Eugene (in my opinion the most consistently grating and cringe-inducing character in the show) and killing Denise?? That is just . . . no. I mean at least for me there are so few characters I actually like left on this show. Denise was one of the few. Incidentally, Carol was

Mhm. Yea you know what, that must be right. Good call.

The way I understood Stick's, "wait till he finds out what you are" moment, is that he was referencing the fact that Elektra enjoys killing, not just that she does it. There is definitely a good argument to be made that DD should have been able to figure that out pretty quickly, but in any case I thought that is what

I'm generally good at the whole suspension of disbelief when it comes to the practice of law on television, but I just have to call this out because it is so utterly ridiculous, a trial in A WEEK? One week? Really? That is like, "How to Get Away with Murder" levels of unrealistic. I don't care how much influence the

Weirdest part to me about this episode? How the pawn broker so casually asked Frank if he was into kiddie porn. Like, wtf? That isn't exactly something you could casually suggest to someone without risking getting your ass handed to you, even if that someone is buying illegal equip.

One thing I will never get over is how people in this show will like, try their damndest to save someone's life but then, once that person is doomed, in the jaws of a zombie getting literally eaten alive, no one thinks to end their suffering! Like Carol was one foot away from Savior-leader-person as her face was

Hmmm, yes? lol. I mean my point is they came to negotiate, regardless of how dramatic they were about it. Kind of hard to do that if you just kill whoever the other side sends.

You guys, I just can't with this season. Like, wtf? The Arcadia stuff is just not well developed or conceived on any front. Bellamy is a mess, Monty is a mess, Jasper is a mess. Even if they are heartless xenophobes why are they provoking a war they almost definitely cannot win by any objective measure? Miller and

You forgot the whole murdering two people who came to parley in good faith, thing.

I'm really disappointed that the show did not address Simmons being responsible for the deaths of like, a dozen Inhumans. In the midseason finale when she let Lash loose I was all, "WTF Simmons he's totally going to murder those innocent people!" And then of course he did. And afterwards she seemed to be like, a