Mark Bolin

I can see why you would think that. I think the problem for me is that her anger towards Arkadia has been kind of formless for me this season generally. So it's all well and good to say that she is against the kill order for the reasons that you say, but I don't personally feel like we've seen her differentiate

100 percent agree. It just felt like lazy writing. Like Octavia has a history of hating Clarke (because she allowed that village last season to be destroyed? I like half forget now) and the writers were all, "OH, here's a reason she can chew her out again!" without making sure it was true to her character in other

Although I overall liked this episode (loved the flashbacks), there were a couple of things that grated on me:

That, I think, is the obvious response to Jaha's explanation of what these "pills" or whatever, do. Pain is often not the root problem you want to be fixing, it is often a SYMPTOM of the problem. So when you eliminate pain, generally speaking, you are just letting these problems (whether they by physical or

Seriously. That hug was bs.

Personally, I think this episode could use like 1000% less in the way of speeches. Like EVERY character felt the need to make some speech about "being a father is X" this episode. I am just so sick of all of this absentee biological parent bs. I swear the characters from Arrow and Flash need to get together and start

Personally I'd still very much enjoy watching Murphy die, but maybe that's just me.

This is what I think is kind of bizarre about Indra's claim that they cannot beat Arcadia because they have guns. Guns are great and all but the obvious tactic for the grounders would be to surround the camp, essentially, and starve them out by preventing them from getting supplies. From what WE'VE seen of the

Maybe? But like, what kind of crazy about face would that be for her as a leader? Like, alright guys, blood must NOT have blood. I'm going to go about convincing people that peace is the way to go in this horrible situation against all of our cultural principles. We are going to turn the other cheek and, JK! I was

Says who? ;)

You guys, not to be a negative nelly, but I think the 100 is bad now. :( like, Lexa being all, "okay, live and let live!" after the sky people straight up BETRAYED her and slaughtered 300 of her people is like . . . just, no. That would never happen. Even in a modern, peaceful society people would be all, uuuh no,

Okay I just have the throw out two SUPER ridiculous things about this episode:

This episode has made me realize something about the television that I like and the television I hate. For me, hateful fear-mongering and xenophobia is like torture, I'm totally fine with it being a part of the narrative, I just don't want to see it up close. That doesn't make good storytelling, it's a tale as old as

For a little while I thought Lexa and Clarke were getting married during that scene with the dramatic songstress, and I was all YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!

That random breakdance routine was the most bizarre thing. But I loved it.

I'm super sick of the West family drama, mostly because the entire thing consists of plotlines forcing the members to adopt traditional family values at breakneck speed. Like, did it ever even occur to them to explore maybe a nontraditional family dynamic? It is ridiculous to think that Wally would show up after

Seriously, Jasper is quickly getting to be one of the most annoying things about this season, second only to how everyone is treating him by allowing to engage in whatever destructive behavior he wants.

I didn't really think that at first, but it's totally plausible. It might be interesting if that group of Ark people actually end up being the catalyst in some way for the Ice Nation's march to war.

Agreed, he is gonna get old REEEEEAL fast.

Totally agree. I was hoping against hope that he was going to say something like that to Wally during their conversation. No such luck, unfortunately.