
Jasper's quote during the Krusty tax auction of: "Pornography? I would have brought more money if I knew there'd be pornography." Was classic, and excised from syndication

Their friendship ended over something very personal and has to do with the more carnivorous themes of the show … Morning Star

But Ancient Aliens is on History Channel…

OitNB is different because they release their whole season at once, so the shows are banked. Orphan Black is produced in the more traditional "one episode every 10 days" way.

Can Jon Hamm get in on that action too?

It's bad timing mostly. Emmy eligibility spans from June 1 to May 31, but entries (and their precious, precious screeners) are due at the end of April. So where most shows have 16-18 shows in the bank by the time the entries are due, Orphan Black might have four.

The show has an enormous LGBT following and Tony was there to service the "T" of that part of the audience. It was the very definition of fan service.

And the dance served some plot purpose for a commercial break length anyway. They set it up as Cosima's last go-around before seemingly succumbing to the reaper. Tony was just straight pandering.

Transclone Tony was fan service at its absolute worst. No questions about it.

But upside down it looked like her hair tripled in volume

Ring-tailed Leemur!

I swear that Starling City is composed of nothing but the Queen Consolidated building and empty warehouses.

Ollie may have ditched the hood, but he still managed to find the only abandoned warehouse on a South American island.

The ground punch is right up there with "Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions"

You thinking Simmons went full Fembot?


As the cast grows, if they aren't careful they'll have to give Triplett a cat named Ferguson to give him something to do other then fly the Quinjet and crack wise.

Agent Suddenly Buxsom — good to see Simmons take advantage of Hydra's generous elective surgery insurance.

Who wants to call it tofurkey day?

Oh sure, change the direction. We all know you are in the pocket of Big Sage.