
There have only been two Update bits by Davidson so far.

Aside from the Game Night sketch, Bayer was a no-show

Up your nose with a rubber Hozier

Are you still temped to use the phrase, "Do mall babies eat chili fries?"

My childhood favorite was the "Six Million Dollar Man." Opening credits don't get much better than that

But I hear the organization is growing.

Hydra has nuclear powered death rays. It's not out of the realm of possibility that it has its own print shop. Probably the same people who chopped off the corners on all the paper on Battlestar Galactica.

Wave o babies!

It's an entirely different kind of movie, altogether.

Stop calling me Shirley

Does the preview mean we get to see Simmons in jumpsuit of evil

She clearly had the time this week to do them

Jost is clearly too afraid of cameras to do that

The best parts of Update had nothing to do with Jost or Che. The lone complement I can give Jost is that he only managed to laugh at one of his own jokes instead of all of them. That's … progress? I guess?

I'll give you that, but it doesn't mean we can't take Jost to "a farm upstate."

But the stink the body will make come summer might be probable cause enough for a search warrant.

Given the rural setting, I was thinking she was going for more of a Norman Rockwell type vibe.

I concur, Captain

He's still alive, just his career is dead.

It was truly the Community of its day.