
It's a step from the college game between Northeast West Texas State and Southern Montana Tech that ESPN will be showing.

Full contact water buffalo hunting

Maybe Fitz will get Changnesia

The show should be stronger now that it has a target to hit rather than avoid.

They have the formula for the blue goo that makes you nutty. Simmons might make some on the sly and slip it to Fitz.

Agent DietCoke OfEvil

They like to call that "gritty"

It's a fun episode with an ending that feels completely tacked on and out of left field.

Community fans might not be so steadfast if NBC had something better to offer. The network introduced, promoted the hell out of and canceled 10 new sitcoms during the time Community chugged along. Next fall's offerings don't exactly stir the soul, so why not produce 13 episodes as a midseason replacement NBC's track

I want storyboards on a series of Etch-a-Sketches

Instead of an extra season, why not just skip ahead to the movie. Produce something that could get cut into three or four parts to bring the number of episodes in the series to over 100

If those rules now apply then Mrs. S (promiscuous female) and Carlton (black guy) are biiiiig trouble.

But he is middle-aged and male so he fits two of the three late night TV requirements.

Optimism? Intimations of dysfunction? Did you see the same Episode 1 that I saw? The bulk of the movie took place on the armpit planet of the galaxy that is run by slave traders. Amidala is upset at the Republic because it is unwilling/unable to do anything more than send in negotiators after her homeworld is all but

I delay the start just so you get a sense of the Jedi as peacekeepers. It would set of a hawks vs. doves rift within the Jedi that Palpatine could use as part of the dark side seduction

The Clone War should have started in the second act of the first movie and raged through the timespan of all three films. That way you can play the resolve of The Republic wearing down and making it open to manipulation. It also would have opened up more time with Anakin and Palpatine, so the turn to the dark side

#SixthSeasonOnNetflixAndAMovie … There it's started

Episode 13: TRACKS is a good place to pick up the series. Some be events happen there that push everything forward

People who post breathless "warnings" on social media about obvious urban legends.

I'm still holding out for a Simmons heel turn, allowing Fitz to have Triplett all to himself