
Wasn't time for a safari.

It doesn't matter. She doesn't know about the side effects. Coulson's report to Fury was discovered after the hard drive was created.

No to mix my publishers, so this dog is the Vandal Savage of dogs?

Raina is pro HYDRA all the way. Her goals are the same as Baron Strucker from the mid-credits scene from Cap 2

The con game was a welcome inclusion too. It's like the writers just found out that spies do more than punch or shoot things.

Or maybe the box is air and water tight?

Not to burst your bubble. That dog was at least a couple of years old when it was given to Ward. Had it survived, it's been 15 years since the trip to the woods and labs only live 10 to 12 years. Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.

Are you saying you would scratch her sweater any time?

Maybe Zooey, Jake and Max Greenfield can go into space on a ship captained by Nathan Fillion, piloted by Alan Tudyk and Summer Glau.

They are slowly coming East. There are locations in the Dallas area now.

That can't be right. As a kid I had phone where I could call Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. We had the same conversation at lot, but I still talked to them.

Exactly, but they are in a style over substance business. They could have kicked the creatives out of their offices and relocated them to the lounge where they work anyway. Instead they have put the thing in a glass box in the center of the office to show it off to clients.

He seemed to be playing exactly to type in the meeting because his comment was something to the effect of "I don't like the way this firm is being talked about." Which is exactly why he kept Pete in season 1 when Roger and Don wanted to fire him. Keeping Pete was important for the firm in certain social circles.

I saw it more that in his blackout drunk state that the Don facade crumbled away and it was Dick Whitman falling back on his Baptist upbringing.

It may not be by choice. Cutler is thinning the herd and drawing up sides for his coup.

The bit with Lola seemed straight out of Wile E. Coyote. I half expected a "waaanhh waaaa" noise when Coulson and Skye looked at each other with their crazy hair.

Ward did say to Raina that he owed Garrett "everything" so there is precedent there.

In reality Fitz could probably use a good deep d!cking

I will gladly take the bullet to give you the definitive answer to that hypothesis.

You mean the director wasn't like, "FINALLY, we get to use the 'cleavage cam' we mounted in the rafters!"