
And once they get old enough kids learn to take their clothes off by themselves.


There is no implication. A grub worm is a common term for the larvae of Japanese Beetles, which kill your lawn. He thinks you are a bitter larva and your relative cleanliness is not at issue.

She's mostly a silicone cyborg now. She'll live forever.

Lane. Lance is an incompetent authority figure on another show.

Case in point Arrow erasing their version of Suicide Squad this season.

And why exactly did the government just throw a tarp over Fort Roz and post some no trespassing signs instead of studying this treasure trove of advanced alien technology. Hell SHIELD built a temporary base around a hammer in the dirt.

Not that it makes the plot resolution any less convenient but part of the purpose of the broadcast was to jam Myriad's waves with Max's technology. It was signified by the dots on Non's screen changing color. Kara's message just helped snap the people out of it.

I enjoyed this season a lot, but two things stuck out. The Robert Durst stuff felt stale (but someone in the writers room moved it) and I missed Kimmy's rivalry with Xan.

But it was revealed he told the girls he came up with the buy the world a Coke jingle

"episode’s one (One!) Pam and Cheryl scene, is such a sitcom cliche that it’s barely worth talking about."

Demons are getting the drop on her at the pearly gates

Remember Chuck's whole pitch was that he is Capt. Details and nothing minor gets past his gaze. Something elementary as that undermines the whole claim. Personally I think it's going to blow up in Jimmy's face because Kim probably prepared all those docs before she left HHM, so both HHM and Kim will be blamed and

Everything Laurel does is a bad thing. I didn't want to be repetitively redundant.

Laurel still looks like a cat in heat when she uses the Canary Cry. She needs to take some lessons from Silver Banshee on Supergirl on how to look not goofy when screaming.

That was a feat considering both those shows aired on CBS

Well a regular person with makeup, Barbara Walters lighting, and a portion of the VFX budget devoted to digital retouching.

You know his motto: If the curtains aren't up to muster, the grade suffers

Stan cameos are going to get more difficult. Dude is 93 and if they can't film what they need in LA it ain't gonna happen.

That's a paddlin