
Is that you Zack Snyder?

Makes sense particularly due to the Jaguar's historically terrible reliability

Shut up, Flanders

I have some serious suspicions about her, yes.

Agent Ima LonerDottie Arebel

I really wanted to see Fitz in an extra puffy coat whining that he can't get his arms down

Was it just me or did she seem a little off? And do you think her gram-gram crocheted her winter hat?

At least now the AoS sandbox is bigger. From this point on (if the show is renewed), even if the show becomes a game of Hydra and Shield competing for the loose bits of high tech that are still out there, that's will serve as a pretty good bridge between Cap 2 and Avengers 2.

Is shopping at JC Penny part of the DSM 5 now?

He's already sporting double agent 5 o'clock shadow

I always thought it would be a Peggy takes Sally to Woodstock adventure.

They were ich luge bullets!

This cast has shown a real bent toward musical comedy. Before Kendrick there hasn't been a host with a musical skill set since Drake, so I had a feeling the cast had a lot of pent up musical stuff they were going to unleash.

Once the royalty checks get small enough I'm sure he will

He also said that he didn't think his brand of humor would translate well to the earlier time slot and he didn't want to compromise to appeal to a broader audience.

He might not be as tied as you think. Community still hasn't been officially been renewed and if it is, it might not get a full order so it could be in the can by the time 2015 rolls around. He contract with The Soup is up in September, so free agency might be in the cards for him.

Gary Shandling is going to reappear in Guardians of the Galaxy as a toad monster with no extra makeup needed

Community season finale Abed gets accepted for an internship in Washington DC

The stick was Loki's scepter

So kind of like the Republican party? … I'll be here all week folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress.