
The turkeys were live

Or Scotch

There was also ham-handed attempt to generate synergy with Thor 2, but it was a little too cosmic for AOS's concept and budget. It really would have been nice for the creators to spend a year developing the show using Cap 2 as a launching point and the show being thematic bridge between Cap and Avengers 2.

Agent Disobey A. Directorder is really making himself the No. 1 candidate for the "First Cast Regular to Be Expendable" Award.

The increase in team members for this episode really helped. The pairings with the outsiders helped with the dramatic tension broke the "Scooby and the Gang" problems the first 10 episodes had. I hope if there is a Season 2, the cast is increased or there is at least a steady stream guest stars to take advantage of

It would if Blake Lively were still cast as Carol Ferris

Peter saw all the crap but it wasn't until he saw the Aziz Ansari marquee that Peter decided that God didn't exist in India.

Ward's stupidity has been the show's "amazing plot device" all season

Or at least give the male agents those high tech Stark earplugs from the first Iron Man movie

I would lump Miss Marvel into the category as a hero too big to introduce on TV

Agent Hidesausage Asgardianherpes

Would Lorelei be Rhoda or Phyllis.

What about "Night Shift"? How would JT pull off the "looove brokers" line?

There is a baseball connection: Brewer's grandfather was Marv Throneberry of the '62 Mets.

Hiiiii Geeene!

That is the joy of watching the shows in order, seeing the point in the week where to booze really kicks in.

Umm I think you mean Ginger Rogers and not Gene Kelly who was, you know, a dude.

Don't forget Dave lost his side piece too.

I'm seeing it as more of forcing Coulson to come full circle on what happened to him following his death. Is he willing to put someone he cares about through the same wringer he went through too keep her alive, especially given the lengths others have gone to to keep the little 084 alive.

It was established early in the episode that Jemma isn't good at improvising. Probably not the best trait for your medical person to lack.