
Agent Shirtless McThirdnipple

That style of storytelling is a significant step up from the first part of the season where the cast sort of lurched en masse from scenario to scenario. I also like that they've been mixing and matching the team members into smaller groups.

The second shot made me sad. The first shot I took as a bit of fan service.

I would imagine that next season will be the last. I don't think Poehler and the other show creators would go through the MASH route and hang on as new cast members are shuffled through.

They really ran out of things for Ann to do especially once Leslie got together with Ben. Chris was easier to weave into things because he was a big bag of neuroses under a veneer of positivity. Their contributions will be missed but as long as Tom, Ron, April and Andy are around the show will still be good.

A- for double serving of Brie

It's what they touched on in last week's episode with Tom's lemonade presentation. The surrounding cast of characters don't need Leslie to be the glue any more. But she totally forgot about that lesson in this week's show. I really think it was a mistake to boot her off the city council. She needs a different audience

Part of the issue stems from the year to year uncertainty about the show's return. For the past two or so seasons, they've had to write the show in a direction where they feel like they can give it some finality, then after a last-minute reprieve they have to write the show off the edge of the cliff.

I'm with you there. I was one more meh episode from giving up on the show. They got rid of Mark, the whole dynamic of the show changed and I kept watching.

It's all about Leslie. There are good stories to tell about Pawnee because it's an interesting universe populated by fun characters. Tom, Ron, April & Andy, Donna, Gary-Larry-Jerry have been producing the series' best moments. Leslie has really been adrift this season. She started as the glue that held the supporting

Pre-April Andy was pretty annoying. Putting them together has really made both characters more likable and given purpose to the particular brand of chaos they create.

Don't be surprised if they somehow try and wedge Skye in the Guardians of the Galaxy mythos. Maybe making her half-Eternal or half-Inhuman.

I think it's the show's ham-handed way of getting the show to dovetail with what's going to happen in the Captain America sequel that is sue out in April.

The change in the manner of story telling to make it more like a comic book (multiple story arcs; splitting the team up) is what gives me the most hope for the show. The procedural/Scooby-Doo flavor of the first 10 episodes really did the show no favors.

AIM has always been referred to as a think tank in the MCU, which means Aldrich Killian and his program is only one part of a larger program.

Do you think Chloe Bennett has the chops to convey than kind of emotion in both words and expression? It was the best course they could take.

It bothered me from the start that even before the anti-tech bracelet, Skye — a supposed super-hacker — was never on a computer. It would have been nice to see her easily sucked down the wiki-hole, mining bits and pieces of seemingly unrelated data that proved useful down the line.

I'm glad somebody said this because I got the opposite reaction than the reviewers. I'm not looking forward to Season 4, I'm debating about if I should keep Showtime or not. No Dexter, no Tudors. While I did enjoy Masters of Sex, I'm not sure if I want to keep subscribing waiting for it to come back around again.

C is my grade

For a good laugh google "Guy Fieri eating in reverse"