
But we're TV viewers so if they don't make it obvious like say Han from "Two Broke Girls" we'd never guess.

The only thing Skye needs to fall is out of the plane with no parachute while everyone else is asleep.

"Oh your'rehiredyour'rehiredyour'rehiredyour'rehiredyour'rehired"

I'm not sure which made me laugh harder the Halloween episodes or the post-Halloween mocking fan costume shorts. "Here comes anotha, oop here comes anotha, here comes anotha terrible Thnicka Man costume."

Not to go all HSR nerd on you but Halloween was still Halloween. Decemberween was their non-denominational winter holiday.

Medically that's fairly accurate. A virus that kills its host quickly before it has a chance to spread isn't very effective. As a virus mutates, it tends to keep the host alive longer so it can replicate and jump to another host. Plus I'm sure a lot of this will be tied back to Sarah Newlin, who Jason let go free at

Evel was supposed to jump a shark but crashed during practice and never did the jump. All shark jumping is the exclusive domain of one Arthur Fonzerelli.

Looks like you can add tonight's Futurama to the list of Speed Buggy cameo appearances