
Thank you! Actually sounds like a pretty cool ending.

It was a failure on both, if for no other reason than that his first failure exacerbated the second one. Whether Sally felt it the exact day of that party does not make him any less of an absentee father, rather it was just one in a series of many blunders Don made as a father.

Good point. Forgot momentarily that it was Sally's idea to have the kids live with Henry.

While I love Joan and Peggy, and Joan and Peggy working together, I couldn't imagine the two of them as partners of a business. They respect each other, but I could also see the two of them having a nasty catfight down the road.

Stan: "All I want to do is be with you."

By denial, I mean that she thinks it best for the kids to go on as "normal," even if their normal is dysfunctional. We caught a glimpse of how it would be, with Henry emotionally unprepared to care for Betty's kids - their meal was a piece of packaged sliced cheese for Gene and burnt toast for Bobby. Unless Sally

"People just come and go. And no one says goodbye."

I'm hoping that she doesn't have another job lined up yet before Don returns to the office.

I actually let out a half-laugh, half-cry when Peggy said it. Just, wow.

So do you guys think Joan dodged a bullet with Richard or not? He was like cocaine: "That was fast." Exhilarating, but over quickly.

Devastating, but I think Don needed to hear it, honestly. Ever since the episode where he left Sally's 6th birthday party, it's been obvious he's a mostly absent father. Not only physically, but mentally. Even Sally doesn't think it's possible for Don to raise his kids. But it's clear by the end, that is what he

I'm surprised there are people questioning the fact that Don wrote the Coke jingle and returned home to his family to raise his kids.

I agreel But it's all she's ever known. I'm reminded of her words to Francine in season one: "My mother always said, 'you're painting a portrait, hide the brush strokes."

Just curious, anyone know why Todd left?

I have to agree with this. His proposal to Trudy seems contingent upon the job in Wichita. I'd have more faith in his change if more was staying the same, i.e., if they were staying in the NYC area.

The clincher for me was the line in the letter where she praised Sally for marching to the beat of her own drum. Sally had never felt accepted by her mother before.

Surely Don will have to return back East now once he hears about Betty dying. Just as he's living this dreamed-of nomadic lifestyle, reality will hit him in the face (no pun intended, I swear). I hope he realizes that he needs to be there for his children.

"He graduated from Princeton in '52."

Anyone else think it's odd that Gene hasn't aged properly? He was born in June 1963. It's now Oct. 1970. He's supposed to be 7 years old. And Bobby was born in 1957 so he should be 13.

Who'd have thought Pete of all people would be the one with the happy ending? I'm rooting for those two.