
Have to say this episode of MM depressed me more than any other. My heart is heavy over Betty's imminent death and Don's unfettered sojourn.

Don: "If I leave this place one day, it will not be for more advertising."

The only thing that comes close is Ken Cosgrove's tap dance in Season 6.

If Peggy and Stan don't end up together, I'll cry.

I never saw The West Wing, so my only point of reference was her disturbed character in Girl, Interrupted. Hard to believe it's the same person!

I wish someone could provide a link to that info, I'm dying of curiosity about it.

Of all the old characters, Sal is the one I want to return the most! I'm holding onto little shreds of hope. When Peggy asked the other copywriter "Aren't you queer?" In reference to the photographer I think, it seemed to underscore the fact that being gay is more acceptable in the workplace than it was when Sal was

How did he piss Weiner off? Always wondered what happened there. All I could find is that Batt did something to tick him off, but what was it?

I wondered that too after seeing Arnold's expression and banter, in addition to Diana asking how many women he'd bonked in the elevator. He HAD to have found out, right?

Megan's "always tried to be self reliant"? If it weren't for Don, she'd likely still be a secretary. He paid her way through acting school after she decided to quit the copywriting job he got for her, he got her the shoe commercial which ultimately got her the soap opera job, Don's also been paying for her house in

Not sure she'd make a good ex though: "I will DESTROY you."

I agree she was using Don. To break into the business, to rely on his financial support while she quit her job to go to acting school. But I honestly don't see how he used her - he was unfaithful and sometimes acted like a douche, but he didn't use her or end the marriage

Interesting to ponder, but I've always thought that Megan is extremely self-centered rather than flat out crazy.

It's hilarious because ever since Don married her I've always compared her with Jane & decided Jane was worse (if only slightly) when it came to fleecing for money, but here she proved me wrong!

Megan almost makes me LOVE Betty. Actually I've always liked Betty's character, and my hope is that she and Don get back together by by the end of the series, though I doubt that will happen.

Karma came back on Roger this season with the mention of Burt Peterson. Comic gold! And of course Kenny last episode. I love Roger but I also love it when he gets his comeuppance.

Indeed, I feel an irrational panic at the thought of certain characters never showing up again as we're 'wasting time' on new ones. The whole time, I'm going, "But the clock is TICKING and where is Joan, Pete, Ted, etc."

I think her ego's too big and she actually believed Harry when he told her she should be the most famous person in the world.

And what's up with Harry saying to Don that he couldn't have worked with her anyway because how dumb could she be to have given up her soap opera to go to LA. Soap stars aren't exactly in the elite of the business. Her career never took off and she was blaming Don. After Harry said that to Don, he felt bad & wrote

Megan knew what he was like, the fact that she agreed to have lunch with him in the first place had me wondering why she'd be shocked by his behavior though.