Jay B.

The Ginger Man. Sebastian Dangerfield woulda failed too, but he wouldn't have been so fake repentant about it.

After he was taken prisoner by Muslim terrorists early in the film.

Jesus. Muslims have been devious baddies in countless movies, including little seen indies like Iron Man and G.I. Joe.

If you are interested in a truly devastating look at the Armenian genocide, read Armenian Golgotha, by Grigoris Balakian — he was a priest who survived it. His is an eyewitness account and just jaw-dropping.

Isn't that literally the set-up for nearly every horror, war and crime/gang movie?

I'm sure it started as a larff. But now it's weaponized and monetized. He's a complete cynic and is willing to destroy people in order to keep raking in bucks from idiot shut ins.

Austin's Capitol building, but yes. It's filled with boobs, and looks like a tit.

Yeah. How DARE those people speak, surprisingly eloquently actually, about politics at their own union's award ceremony.

There were only four spreads tied or higher. Three covered.

I certainly am not letting them off the hook. I included them as "Klansmen at heart". Bigotry and fear is the seed of fascism — they own it.

They may have decided the election. I'm willing to accept that not all Trump supporters are Klansmen at heart, but all Klansmen at heart voted for Trump.

It's almost like he doesn't know wages have gone up (finally), crime has been at historic lows for almost a decade plus and Obama has had the least-corrupt government in generations — I mean the Republicans would have attacked him for ANYTHING and they couldn't find anything but Benghazi. I wish I could see the look

So you're saying he's made some good and not-so-great films over the entirety of career, which is in no way over yet, so it's hard to pigeonhole a guy who has made seven films into various "eras" of quality? That's the hottest take yet.

Spielberg did this at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan (needlessly) — when, right at the beginning he showed the old man's face at Normandy dissolve into Hanks' with the same exact fixed stare and pose. It was clearly meant to imply that the old man was Hanks' character.

Also, just how big is the park? This bugged the shit out of me a few episodes ago when they took a train for what ended up being TWO NIGHTS, so William could finally have sex with Dolores. Even if the train was going 3 miles an hour and in a loop, it would have been about 60 miles.

Plus she was ratting out what's her name from the board — not Ford. And wasn't she talking to Bernard right about at the same time when he was supposed to kill her? And why would Ford lie — right before he was going to have Bernard shoot himself in the head — about how he had never sent him out as an assassin before?

Why kill Elsie though? She was going to ruin the woman who Bernard ended up killing anyway. Plus she was on the phone with Bernard right before she was killed. In Bernard's flashback of killing her (and Ford, for whatever reason was lying about how he never asked him to murder before right before he was going to have

I see. So the dismissive, sneering, existential reality of Donald Trump doesn't count. Only when people make fun of asshole white people is it wrong to be "dismissive".

Bunker, the author of this, was one of the criminals in Reservoir Dogs. I assume that's because he was one of QT's many explicit reference points.

No, it's all cool. I just laugh at the hyperbole about not liking things "remotely digital" when some of his signature scenes in his movies are clearly CGI, and they looked great! Well, except when they blew up Heinz Field. That was ass.