Jay B.

Doesn't like anything remotely digital, eh? So he blew up Heinz Field, had Paris collapse on itself and traveled through time/space in a bubble for reals? Digital projection maybe, but practical effects? Yeah.

He had no feel at all for the life of ordinary New Yorkers, and especially not African-American ones, as White describes it. Lumet wasn't interested.

Or was it a mercy killing? It may have saved us from more Leprechaun movies.

Agree. I honestly don't understand the love for that movie. I don't even remember WHY I was watching it, but Jesus God that was idiotic.

Well, I hate to let you know, but Henry killed Blockbuster too.

I read that you can make microwave popcorn by putting kernels in a paper bag, then stapling the bag shut with two or three staples. Anyone ever set their house on fire doing this?

Astonishingly ignorant or knowingly evil, yes. If we are only up to half of all Americans being one or another, it's almost a form of progress. We used to be worse.

Me: "I've got it! Let's have Kevin James play the alpha in a group of transitioning lesbians in Brooklyn. We can call it 'Queen of Kings'
Network Guy: "Bold. I love it. Get me a spec script."
[six months of notes later]

I think you're missing a few other bits in this song. It sounds, to me, like he's jealous. He wants to chalk up his contempt to her wealth, but later in the song he admits she's got great taste in music, books, art and fashion. Unless the narrator doesn't like Kuts by the Kinks — and I can't conceive of such a

Hmmm…I liked Black Flag (both flavors), didn't like the Circle Jerks and have always found Keith Morris to be almost incoherent when talking about anything. I'm gonna stick with the music and figure out if maybe I'm actually missing out on the Circle Jerks.

Make fun of the fact the DNC had no American flags onstage

The Syria next to the Iraq that someone not named Clinton blew up and destabilized, while Russia, Assad, ISIS and dozens of other factions blew it up? It's a bullshit assertion that pretty much ignores everyone else in the world.

Six figures?! Christ.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think Trump is a responsible choice just because he only fucked over investors and contractors (plus all the blatant fraud of Trump U), while his stated claims include actual torture of enemies, tearing up our alliance with NATO and support of strongmen worldwide.

They don't "base" it on anything. They get the entirety of their news from Fox and their idiot friends on Facebook. Theirs is a world where Hitlery is The Witch-Queen of Benghazi and she laughed when the Towers fell. They are idiots, basically. The target audience for an inept polemic as told by a felon.

God: The Original Kaufman

Tom Wolfe is a different person than the one this movie is about. Thomas Wolfe was a different American writer and is actually mentioned throughout this review.

To be fair, it's also pretty funny to have three of the very best American writers and the best American fiction editor to be played by two Brits and two Aussies. And to know the fact that Thomas Wolfe was 6-6 and his very physical presence was one of the unmistakable things about him AND that Nicole Kidman is playing

Her letter is entirely a rape apology - she said the rapist wasn't a real rape-rapist, like the kind that wear fucking masks because that's the only real kind of rape - because she blamed the victim for being drunk and alcohol for poor Brock's non-rape raping.