Jay B.

So they didn't open a restaurant with Ted Danson?

Yes, it's state rights when it has to do with the right of states to keep slaves legal and it's federalism when they supported things like the Fugitive Slave Act, forcing non-slave states to return escaped slaves and not allowing slaves to be considered citizens when they were in states where they were considered

Seriously. They had no problem with federal laws when it came to the status of slaves when they were dragged North with their owners — it's what Dred Scott was all about. The Supreme Court said that individual states couldn't determine the freedom of a slave. So, the people who still spout that shit about state's

I think he secretly wants it to be true because the only thing he hasn't eaten is dragon.

The premise would be they were too stupid to think of it themselves?

Maybe. But doesn't it argue that Mayans got all their architecture and ideas from aliens?

Ah yes, the reasoned, rational approach to facts will surely appeal to the intellectual side of the anti-climate change folks.

Oof. I just wrote about that above. That song sends me into a tirade when I hear it — "It's literally a list of names! That's the whole fucking song! They are outside and knock or ring or what the fuck and then he says "let 'em in" and says who comes in!" It would be like writing a song about who you've sat in a

As a kid, I'd hear "Let 'em In" on the ol' solid state car radio and I would be like "cool!" — it's a simple hook and catchy of course. Then, after decades of not listening to Wings, I heard it somehow and realized that it might be the laziest piece of songwriting in the history of the world.

Relax you ignorant asshole, she was a moderate liberal, not George Bush, your inability to process basic reality is proof you have nothing to really offer other than literally idiotic platitudes about "what we need as a country". Get bent again.

Listened my ass. He conned the most vulnerable and/or ignorant among us and idiots like you think that the biggest problem in American politics is a moderate woman Democrat. Get bent.

No one ever really says what "fiscally conservative" means. If we are to go by what actual conservatives want from a fiscal perspective, it's massive income inequality through tax cuts for the rich and the stigmatization of the poor and middle class. Greed, in other words. So those mooching undesirables and

I liked her better when she was Luke Perry.

When the hell did you start caring about rape?

True. But on the plus side, conservatives have also shown some surprising tolerance over the last several years, for Klansmen, traitors, idiots, racists, the witless, the cruel and the corrupt. So you can see, they are truly the Big Tent party.

Jokes is rape!

Evil used to have panache AND the best fashion sense. Now look at it. Sweatpants and a red fucking hat.

I already loved The Wire when they had the wake scene at the bar and everyone sang Body of an American. Then I loved it more.