Jay B.

I just watched Bad Day at Black Rock again last night. It's awesome. It kicks "small town values" in the teeth, takes on racism, collective guilt and people directly address their emotions.

Colbert closed his Comedy Central show with "Holland, 1945" — and it was a big deal to me when it came out, I liked it a lot (especially Holland, 1945). I also thought that they'd release another, different kind of record and wouldn't be disappointed if they did. I don't understand that mindset — this isn't a perfect

Robert Evans begs to differ. Trust that as awash in blow as the 80s were, the cast and crew of, say, Chinatown would have single handedly propped up the entire GDP of Bolivia in 1974. By the 80s, Polanski was gone, Belushi was dead, Dennis Hopper went square and Bob Evans was broke.

They made money. And made art. Then the guy who did American Graffiti made a space opera and it all went sideways from there. But with way more money, and probably less coke.

Me too. I actually clicked thinking that's what it would be. Fuck you, Internet!

First, I can't believe Yankovic made it, but Party at Ground Zero, a great Fishbone song, was left out. Second, we don't talk often enough about the literally existential dread that many of us grew up in. Fuck terrorism, we were promised total nuclear annihilation for my entire youth. Until I was 20 years old and the

I'm surprised he just didn't make them long-lost half-brothers. OUR MOMS HAVE THE SAME FIRST NAME! WE MUST BE RELATED!

What I liked about the Reeves' Superman movies is how they made the shoddy 'secret identity' of Clark Kent an explicit joke. But in this, somehow, despite it all, the people at the Daily Planet still couldn't connect the idea that Clark Kent was Superman and they even ran an obit for him with a picture that literally a

And it was the only based on someone else's work, I think (right)? I was considering that one too — it's my favorite overall QT joint — but while it has some flourishes (Sam Jackson's facial hair, Pam Grier and Robert Forster's grindhouse past), it's solidly on the Elmore Leonard side of storytelling, quirky, but not

It certainly started as a completely serious drama. The opening scene is probably shown in film schools for how you establish a story, a backstory, plot, tension and a mood in the first five minutes of a movie. It had me hooked, horrified and amazed. But the Basterds themselves seemed — to a man — like outtakes from a

I think the parts with Shoshanna and Fassbinder were absolutely amazing. Half of Waltz's arc was incredible (and his acting throughout was top notch). Then there was every part with Brad Pitt and his band of idiots. Sometimes they were good for a gag. They completely took me out of the tense, gripping, spy story of

Pfft. Chaplain did it first.

I think and have always thought that real human emotions make Tarantino so uncomfortable he knowingly sabotages his movies to give himself ironic distance in them. Inglorious Basterds was a master class in making half a great, great movie and then torpedoing the purpose of caring for the characters over and over again.

I think it's his best by a wide margin. And The Killing is his most entertaining.

Pffft.This late-period Samsonadzes is just coasting on the earlier seasons' brilliance.

They aren't crytpoconservative. That's a really, really weird reading of "irreverent". Plenty of liberals can make fun of the ridiculousness of communism too. Or simply artists who don't hold anything sacred. Gah.

I'm never baffled that people don't like some movies that I like because, well, opinions, and we know how those go. But sometimes when they explain themselves, it makes even less sense than just taste. It's a category error. If you didn't at least laugh at Fury Road, just out of a 'what the hell just happened?' kind

That's exactly what Richard Grant said in the Player and ended up with Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts.

The Patriots are usually great clock managers, so is Peyton.

Jesus, he was in Cool Hand Luke. And his Trapper John was awesome. It's too bad he became a Fox News asshole, but whatever.