Dick Venn Diagram

Yeah, but see, it's not cool when he does it.

"Ex kept texting me"

In Poland, right?

Slower summer months?!?! When all the movies are released?

Are you kidding? Puns are the Bast!

I just love that schizo thing conservatives do where they hammer on about how weak and powerless their enemies are and then turn around and immediately wail how said enemies are destroying America/ stopping them from doing anything.

And Gary Senise

I was actually considering going this way last summer.

Omg, was there anything hotter than young Vikki Lawrence? She bears a striking resemblance to Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Oh no! Alex Jones has his shirt off again!

Give yourself a No-Prize!

I <3 Elisabeth Moss!

Yes, I had feared you suffered a stroke!

I've never understood that. What, did you think someone was following you around with a radio?

Sequel of sorts sounds like a Neil Gaiman novel.

That's mostly the beginning, the rest is more batshit and drawn out.

It's the trendy new pasta that's taking the foodies by storm!

Will Ronald McDonald introduce us to his friend Roland?


He is wrapping them in medical tape so they heal.