Dick Venn Diagram

"Isstah Gay…go 'way…"

God wants you to kill those people.

"That Kate is such a nasty woman. Nasty, nasty woman."

She's crazy! She takes stuff without paying!

Sigh…you'd better sit down kids…

Yes, but he's acting out one of his dreams when he does.

Nah…you're thinkin' of Cornhole Jason.

Turn around and she'll be gone!

"Are we at a point…"
You mean almost 15 years in the future?

"Why don't you just fucking marry Tom Brady?"

One day these Batmans are gonna end…

The Autons are back! Alert the Brigadier!

Godspeed, sexy Black Nazi!

Juliana Hatfield and her sister could not be reached for comment.

That was one fucked up relationship!

She tortured Michael Nesmith's mother into giving her the formula for White Out.

Why don't we sue 'em in the road
Why don't we sue 'em in the road
Every band will be watching us to see what kind of legal precedent is set
so why don't we sue 'em in the road

We can be like they are.

Except people DID complain about TWOK remakes. And rightfully so-Nemesis and Into Darkness are mind fuckingly awful movies.

What Sarah Jessica Parker looks like now will blow your mind!