
I find it interesting that you presume to know the how's and why's to individual choice. I nominated him because he is an excellent writer. Those who follow Sad Puppy authors tend to be readers, and I don't doubt many have read his works and agreed with his spot on the slate. So yes, I do think his excellent writing

He was placed on the Sad Puppies ballot because of his excellent writing, so, you haven't really proved anything in that regards.

Oh, and Wright is a fantastic author. It is difficult to read his work and not assert his excellence in both short stories and full length novels. What have you read by him, to make the opposite claim?

My apologies. I'm more of a Steam fan. A little pedantic of you, but I'm the forgiving type.

GamersGate was coined by Adam Baldwin and was founded upon the idea of fighting corruption in gaming journalism. Some extremists did indeed unfairly and atrociously attack a number of feminists. That i, without equivocation, wrong.

You're clearly not against bigotry or intolerance. Your response to someone disagreeing with you is anger and verbal abuse…which is not remotely tolerance, but is clearly dead-on on the bigotry category.

I've read the article. Unlike most commenting here, I've read articles from both sides. JM, you appear to be not understanding the basic context of the words. The goal of Sad Puppies is to promote freedom from political persecution inside of the Hugo's. In recent times those who don't line up exactly with the far left

Which group is that exactly? Sad Puppies was founded by a Hispanic and fronted by a man married to a black woman. It nominated minorities and women. So I am very, very uncertain how they qualify as racist or sexist.

I by no means changed the subject. You did indeed show that a few people who identify with GamersGate took notice, but your claim was that it was because.of them that the campaign was successful. That you never demonstrated. So now because I use SJW I must be apart of a group that also uses it…you know, I'm fairly

I can't tell if you're trolling or you really believe such nonsense. If k thought that, why would the slate I support have women and minorities on it? Clearly education and logic are foreign concepts in your thinking.

Sad Puppies is the group that put up a diverse slate, so your logic really failsfails, again. It seems clear that you've ignored actually reading what the founder of Sad Puppies has to say, what the current head of Sad Puppies has to say. Clearly Brad is threatened by diversity:

Yes, because groups of people voting for a diverse group of nominees is…threatening.

The irony is amazing. Yes, Sad Puppies is in direct contrast to SJWs. That is, against the perpetual outraged, the hatred, and the intolerance sprwrdspewed by people like you. That's why the nominations included people from all view pointspoints, not merely liberals, or conservatives, or gay or straight or whatever.

Your right, it does. Sad Puppies nominates on the basis of merit, not ideological purity. So we have liberals and conservatives, people of various races, both gneders, and guess what…we even have people who aren't straight on the slate, along with John. See, we believe in actual inclusivity. Not the rank intolerance

Portuguese are considered Hispanic by the US DoL. I live in Texas and most Hispanics are some shade of white. That doesn't remove their status as minorities.

A few things. I never said that the Rabid Puppies campaign was a failure. Clearly Vox managed to muster his fans. Regardless of his views, he and those who enjoy his writing have a right to nominate and vote, like all other human beings. And I'm not sure what you mean by "the likes of John C Wright." He's a fine man,

You can assert whatever you like. That doesn't make your assertion true - what is your evidence, your proof? I work with and am friend's with people who have radically different political and social views than I do. Am I a far-left feminist because I am good friends with one? Not at all. Just as I'm not a neo-con

I am uncertain as to how the public visibility is relevant to the claims made here about the racist or sexist nature of the Sad Puppies, which is what is addressed in the post, and was the only content of my initial post. It isn't suspect when you know exactly why that publisher had so many works made it into a

Vox is relevant, but you cannot in good faith assert that because he's involved suddenly everyone has the same extreme views he has. And Larry's campaigns were wildly successful, as exactly what he predicted (the outrage of the gate keepers, the claim that people like him or his fans weren't *real fans*, the

What do you mean by, you of all people? What kind of person am I supposed to be, exactly?