
Your erudition continues to astound. Clearly your interest is in actually getting to the truth, and not merely spouting hateful, untrue, and ignorant words or engaging in trollish behavior.

I see that basic facts still manage to elude you. The campaign was started by someone who is a minority, they've nominated numerous women, minorities, and women who are minorities. (Rajnar Vajra, Larry Correia, Annie Bellet, Kary English, Toni Weisskopf, Ann Sowards, Megan Gray, Sheila Gilbert, Jennifer Brozek, Cedar

Vox Day is certainly an extreme figure, but he didn't organize the Sad Puppies campaign. He did his own. To try to lump together his views - which none of the Sad Puppy people agree with - with those of a different group is…fallacious. A tantrum? I am unsure how a well-organized, thoughtful, and reasoned (and

That is a very interesting claim. Larry Correia, who started the Sad Puppies campaign to make the Hugo's more relevant and inclusive, is Hispanic. The man who organized this years Sad Puppies is Brad Torgersen, who is currently in a twenty-something year interracial marriage…so yes, it is an interesting, but albeit

So your argument is now that they didn't select enough female authors for the categories that *really matter*? Wow. That is impressive.

You do realize that many of the people promoted by Sad Puppies are women, minorities, or both, right?